wood elves are based.
that is all.

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I don't know anything about Morrowind but that image is funny as fuck, holy shit.

is it wrong of me to give Fargoth his ring, but then accept the quest to steal 400 gold and the ring and just leave town ?

ya that is wrong, listen fargoth never did anything wrong; ever. All this hate for him in online threads, videos, and memes is misplaced because of the voice actor. Replay morrowind, find fargoth, get his ring, and leave him the fuck alone.

I made my character look like him, I named him Fargoth, I stole his rings and possessions, then I killed him.

That quest is an IQ test and a test of the player's mindset.

In Oblivion or Skyrim, what you should do would be whatever clears the quest off the log, no matter how retarded it is. It's content tourism and box checking.
But in Morrowind you are an autonomous agent who thinks for his/herself. If leaving a quest uncompleted is what you think your character would do, then by all means go ahead.

wow such npc behavior grow up

I don't understand what's going on with shit edits like this? Is the eye dropper really that hard to use for people?

I dont hate him, I just want money. Im a money whore in the start. Until i can get mr grabs stuck in Vivec

t. fargoth

Listen to this man. Morrowind is not designed traditionally.

do you even play to get into the story?
if it was real life would you kill fargoth?

Why kill him? that doesn't profit me. Giving him his ring gives me a discount, taking it back give me something to sell and 400 gold is a nice bonus.

you dont think a family heirloom being lost and not returned would have a negative impact on his life?
you're such a pussy you wouldnt even talk to fargoth, a woof elf could beat your fucking ass

Hey man chill out okay?

it literally is

Well in some cases, yeah. But for the most part the player is supposed to be making their own decisions/choices during quests/whatnot, whereas the traditional design would be laid out choices you pick in dialogue or something. It leads to a lot of people saying stuff like "Morrowind had no choices"

He couldn't do shit to me. He has no money and nothing to sell. Plus why do I care about his life? His purpose in life was to get me a quick discount with his buddy. After that he could go to Oblivion for all I care

Is your purpose not to help people?
Just ruin lives and be bad? Thats not the point of the game retard, god plays fallout new vegas, kill all the factions and wooo fun time for you!

preying on the weak to make a quick buck? buddy, it ain't fargoth that's gonna be going to oblivion

based autist

The Bosmer are the Altmer's sex slaves while the khajiit are their pets.

Dominion 4 lyfe

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trust me everyone thinks youre autistic, based off your fucking retard murder porn post

Why would my purpose be to help people? What purpose does that serve me? I'm a reborn god. Call it a donation to be apart of something greater than yourself.
Not my fault these betas cant hold onto their drakes

Nobody said anything about murder. You realize that you can roleplay the kind of guy who would be motivated by money to fuck over some fag with a ring

Shut up you fucking jew elf

Take your meds

kill all elves on sight

>"I have a feeling you and I are about to become very close."
>*audible sweating*

You are never forced to complete any quest in oblivion or skyrrim outside of the initial "escape jail" segment
There are plenty of quest that I don't do because my character wouldn't do it. You want me to talk to Gerdur in Riverwood? My kajhit character says nah fuck that imma find some skooma and get high.

What purpose did they have putting fargoth in the game with a story and a quest?
Keep running through the main quest you faggot haha