Buy physical game

>buy physical game
>have to delete half my library on the PS4 and wait hours for it to install off the fucking disc

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I had a ps3 previous gen and I thought for sure that with faster Blu Ray drives we wouldn't have to install shit anymore with the ps4. Man, was I ever wrong...

the ps3's buray drive was only 2x@9MB/s. The ps4 blue ray drive is 6x@27MB/s. playing a game from a storage medium that slow is untenable.

Thank gudness the PS5 will install game 1 second because something about custom ssd super speed. kek

I like the games that let you play while they install. Some do and some don't though.

PS5 only has enough storage space for one PS5 game.

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>Not enough storage to download this update
>Space needed: 25 GB
>Actual update size: 57 MB
I'm so sick of this shit happening on PS4.

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>Still buying physical

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Cartridges are the past and future now. RIP Optical media

shut the FUCK up onsokumaru

discs were always shit and worse than cartridges in every way
fuck the kikes who pushed them as standard because they were cheap and were too lazy to compress their shitty games properly

I've literally never had this problem except for with one game and that was fallout 4

>buying digital
Retarded tripfag kill yourself

Na you love it, now go buy all the DLC and Lootboxes you can. You do what the definitive gaming experience dont you ?

discs were superior to cartridges for 20 years nintendont. Took you a long time to catch up.

You're installing FF7R.

PS4 has an awful patching system where it makes a copy of the entire game just to apply a patch so it needs double the space of the game just a download a patch

is this really what console players deal with?

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It's really not that much better. This is barely even a joke.

I literally delete games that I 100% and have no interest in going back to, why the fuck would you need more than 10 active PS4 games? Also the install has never been more than 30 minutes even with 7R. Updates on the other hand take fucking forever.

Just buy a Switch, you put the card in and you play. As simple as that.

You won't have much of a choice in the future, gramps.

yeah i've never understood this. no other console i've ever owned, not even the ps3 iirc had this dumb way of applying patches.

>doesn't have a modern harddrive
it ain't modern gaming if you're stuck in the past

I could just not buy newer consoles because most modern games are shit? Pretty hard choice there retard

the switch doesn't have ff7 remake

>"Games are all shit anyway"
Jesus christ

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Why the FUCK would you buy a physical game in current year? It's pointless. You still have to install the thing and you need the disc everytime you wanna play it. While us DigitalCHADs just click on the game and BOOOOM. Imagine having hundreds of plastic boxes with discs laying around you're bedroom. Kys

It genuinely surprised me when I got a Switch, put the cartridge in, and just played.

You have no right to judge him or anyone else you attention whore.

And it's still loud af
Or I have to clean my PS4.

>Switch physical doesn't have to do this