The real smart choice is to just buy both

the real smart choice is to just buy both

if you only buy one you're missing out

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Western AAA games are all horrible, i will save my money and just keep my PC & Switch

name 1 (One) worthwhile exclusive for the new xbox

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why would I buy both when I already have a PC?

Ninja Gaiden in 4k with HDR

Real smart choice is PS5+Switch+ a nice PC.

For what?

I am though, but I'll buy the Xbox first since it'll be my go-to multiplat/gamepass machine and I'll get the PS5 once there's a healthy library of exclusives.

Sony hasn't had a worthwile game in 15 years

lose your virginity

Why would I buy an Xbox when I don't give a shit about their exclusives? I've never bought one of their systems. There's little they can do to grab me.

which will also get released on pc

But what do I do with the ps

>Not just buying both, gutting the hardware and installing both into your pc
fucking amateurs I swear


the real smart choice is to buy neither and invest in a nice pc
even less than 400 dollars can get you something nice if you know where and when to buy, and you can upgrade from there for less money than it would cost you to buy another console

there is nothing wrong with being a virgin

>Og Xbox game
>Getting ported to PC 20 years later

I plan on building a gaming PC around christmas and then deciding which of the two to get once the dust settles

Hellblade 2

literally no fucking reason to own a playstation when you get the xbox
I think I'm gonna go with the guys that revealed the console 1 year before release as is standard, not the lying faggots with their cunty looking goblin "revealing" how teraflops dont actually matter
oh and a fucking controller reveal too - fuckin unbelievable
guess they really do hold sonyroaches for retards who love eating shit off the floor

ok, here's some advice
don't buy intel

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Thanks, I've never made one before so any advice is welcome :)

>being an impatient faggot

Spiderman was good but short

if you have any questions there's a pc building general in /g/

Your good people

Honestly I have a gaming pc why should i buy an xbox one x when it's coming out on the Microsoft Store also.

Or you could just buy a PS5 at the tail end of it's life for the exclusives and enjoy everything else on your PC.

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>thread where sonyroaches boutta finna get dabbed on as per usual
>spam of "acshually im pc gamer heh"
loving every laugh
just imagine the turd world streetshitting sonyroach sitting in his cuckshed with a jetstation taking off in the background, role-playing as a pc gamer because he has dota2 installed on his craptop

I seriously can't get over how ugly the series X looks. They literally didn't even try on that design. Every other Xbox looks better than that.

actually the real smartest choice is not being a retarded (((gaymer))))

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at your age is a clear indication of mental illness

It'll be cheaper than the upgrade you'll need to keep up with it