Just a flu

Just a flu.

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He was 79 and survived throat cancer, Soldier was a fighter but heavy/demoman's VA is getting old and I hope he makes it

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A very contagious flu.

Coronavirus isnt real

He died of cancer

damn the soldier VA died too


Why weren't any of the threads about his passing stickied?

Its less than the flu.

Did you not see the Cardi-B video? Shit is real

Same man

he also did andross and a guy in sly cooper. This really sucks

They were. He was the voice-actor for TF2's Soldier.

>dies of flu complications from being 300 years old and pre existing medical conditions
>no test done to see if it was even covid-19
>"yup it was all covid-19"

>had cancer
>had a heart attack in feb of this year
>got diagnosed with covid 19
>it was the covid 19 that killed him

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There’s literally a sticky thread right now FFS

There is one.

Is that like Cardi-O?

I fucking hate Americans.

That's sad, 79 IS old but he definately still had time yet, people neat 100 have overcome the virus for fuck sake.

That’s like being a crocodile hunter and you get killed by a stingray

>old person dies from a flu
Many such cases.


Another death on Trump's hands. The virus was a present and known danger and he spent a month+ golfing and holding rallies where he dismissed the virus as a Democrat hoax.

We will not forgive him come November.

Yes? Why does that not make sense to you?

Did he try pressing Z or R twice?

I'm so sorry ;_;





Sorry guys, I gotta sit this one out.

He was gonna die eventually, but realistically Covid 19 will fuck you up if you have pre-existing conditions. So the cancer and the heart attack set him up for it, but the 'rona finished the job.


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are you sure it wasn't having cancer, having a heart attack and being 79 that killed him?

*if you have pre-existing conditions and are old as fuck. But at that point the regular flu will kill you as well.

Reminder they can say you died of COVID 19 if they SUSPECT you had it without testing you or any proof at all

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Everytime people complain about immigrants I just point out that the common flu still kills way more people every year

Oh, this guy? I remember his level sucking dick.

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He's becoming more like his father

Yes, because both of those things had already happened, and didn't kill him

Fuck China

rent free

it is just the flu tho. The media is slapping the COVID label on flu deaths right now

Those pre-existing conditions and old age are exactly what makes you vulnerable to Corona.

Pneumonia, flu, cancer, heart attack, etc deaths are all down and covid 19 is up as much they went down

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Barrel rolled into heaven.

rent free leftcucks


>just the flu
t. retard

>Heart attack didn't kill him, was recovering
>Cancer didn't kill him yet
>Gets the 'Rona, dies shortly after

Yes, the 'Rona killed him. It killed him because he was already weak and his immune system couldn't fight it off.

>hundreds of thousands of old people die from flu every year
>thousands of old people die from chinese flu
Why do I get the feeling that it's mostly boomers complaining about this shit?

And he was in a convalescent home. Those have been absolutely ravaged by this new virus. They're not equipped to treat/prevent/social distance at all.

shut the fuck up you whiny cunts, holy shit.
you'll do nothing but cry and shitpost here and things will keep going without you doing anything side from going back to your normal schedule of wasting time shitposting and going back to making fun of other people's misery again.
just because you're suddenly acting as if you give a shit about someone who died because they were "your childhood" or some shit doesn't justify anything.
either you pick up arms and actually do something or your words and every single thing coming out your mouth right now is nothing but waste of oxygen.

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Not the sharpest knife in the kitchen, are you?

>smoke religiously
>die in car accident


>there are still dumbasses here saying just a flu

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>guy gets shot in the head
retard, its not fucking real


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>all the absolute retards in this thread
really not that shocking and they'll never change

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false equivalence

Not even remotely correct. I just lost my cousin to it. She was 24 and had Asthma which was pretty fucking well controlled and managed. So maybe learn some shit.

He died of cancer. Not coronavirus.

Oh sure user. The entire world is going out of its way to in order to hoax you for giggles.

Why do I get the feeling that nothing in your life has changed since this started?

>Muh voicerino acterino died cuz corona-chan (I put chan there so it sounds like one of my kawaii anime tranny girls)
>Never mind that he was an old man
>No, we need to crash the economy because old people die when they get sick

pretty sure actual shekelbergs would have the opposite opinion, seeing as how staying inside is ruining our economy

But Trump said China did a good job with Corona

The only people not taking it seriously are boomers and Drumpfcucks. Guess which one he is.

Not everything is a world spanning conspiracy you fucking room temperature iq.

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Fuck off and die.

Retards like this are going to make criticizing the corona response illegal accelerating the authoritarianism that these governments so desperately want.

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Exactly, all that shit left his body extremely weak.

Everybody is vulnerable to Corona.
He was just *more* vulnerable.
You are vulnerable to Corona

Bros people just don’t realize how bad it is. I work in the ICU as an RN, last week we had some 50 year old lady with no diagnosed medical history come to the unit on a nasal cannula getting just a bit of oxygen and I laughed my head off. She was intubated by the end of the shift.

Well part of that was because she is a nigger and wouldn’t lay prone which can help prevent total respiratory failure. But it hits HARD. We’ve had a guy in the unit for over 3 weeks that’s the same age as my dad and judging by his medical history is way healthier.

Stay safe bros...

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>China fucked up
>That magically means Dear Leader somehow did not fuck up, and the factual information we have indicating he spent literal months ignoring briefings and warnings and footage we have of him calling it a hoax and repeatedly lying on national television is actually not real

China being China doesn't change reality, Orange Man fucked this up stupendously in an effort to mitigate its economic impact and made it much, much worse as a result, because he's an incompetent narcissist.

You fucking conservatards should me more angry than anyone else, because he knew China was being China and did literally nothing to protect you from it.

>Your father helped me like that once, too!
F, Peppy. You were responsible for one of the first memes I saw on Yas Forums. I will forever cherish you for that.

Fucking useless wingman, though.

>The entire world is going out of its way to in order to hoax you for giggles.
They are doing it pass more authoritarian policies and strict rights retard

They are ruining the economy so more people become dependent on the state and they are pushing for vaccines with a microchip implanted in you

Trips fucking confirmed

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lol let all the MAGAts go out and die, fewer of them to vote

He didn't check his G-Diffuse system

We don't have any immunity or resistance ot it, its new. Its not like the flu where our body has antibodies on hand that are semi effective at catching it until our immune system can produce an antibody for that specific strain, if it even has to. Our bodies do not recognize covid-19, and doesn't even have antibodies that are semi effective against it.

He probably would have survived a bout with the flu, but covid-19 is different.

What I find ironic as fuck is people who will go out of their way to laugh about being a voice actors or other similar jobs not being "real" jobs, how easier they're having it or some form of seething argument like that.

THEN you see them sucking one's dick like this once they pass away just cause they felt close to them in some way

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Why did you laugh your ass off? Haha this nigger is going to die? That's cold even for a racist.

What does that have to do with what I said retard

So why are you not bitching about them extending parts of the Patriot Act?

>is a healthcare worker

Unironically get corona and die

the china virus isn't even fucking real it's all just a hoax, he probably died of a cancer and it has been labeled this way to inflate the numbers


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They're long past the need for excuses in order to do so. They could have done so for years and you probably wouldn't even notice.

Why yes I'm still employed and am just working from home, how did you know?

Shit LARP kill yourself.

>"Hi. I'm a retard that thinks I can physically fight a virus with brute force."
What the fuck do you want us to do? Go out and publically lynch coofers?

>and footage we have of him calling it a hoax and repeatedly lying on national television is actually not real

Okay, post the video of him calling it a hoax then. The truth is that Trump set up the task force in January. He banned travel from China in JANUARY (while the MSM was calling him a racist). The mayor of NYC, which is my city was telling New Yorkers to go about their normal lives and TRAVEL TO WHEREVER outside of the city in MARCH. Please don't rewrite history.

Why are a bunch of neets upset about the economy getting fucked?