FFXIV Coronavirus Delay

Patch 3.5 is delayed, along with all the other patches and 6.0 as well, I assume, but you can't delay true friendship. Make sure you're all there for your in-game friends during this trying time.

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Is this piece of shit worth playing for the goth girl Gaia?

i'm glad they're continuing the yuri tradition that ff13 set

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It has a free trial, try it yourself
XIV is just a tab target mmo with a focus on story.

you have to play arr, hw, sb and beat the latest expansion. yes its worth it

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Not even once.

convince me to get DRK to 80

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Play a good tank instead.

You get to experience the level 80 job quest without the feeling of betrayal in form of lost weaponskills and abilities that came with having that job up to speed beforehand.

Like what? Clemency Mage?

>clemency knight
>unga bunga me fell cleave
>unga bunga me delirium
pick your tank poison

Both PLD and GNB are more interesting than TBN: The Class.

>is it worth wasting hundreds of hours for a character that's on screen for a total of 30 minutes
If I have to tell you the answer, you're a perfect candidate for a XIV player.

it lacks of content.

For example you grind for 100 hours in a character up to max level so then you spend 90% of your time doing low level shit but your character gets "synced" according to the dungeon/boss etc. That means you lost 80-90% of your character progression.

I'm gonna do it...!

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fuck off gnb is seifer's class

*laughs in renzokuken*

as a giga coomer that has played games before just because of one obscure female in the game, nah
if you aint into mmos your'e just gonna waste your time with hundreds of hours of boring ass cutscenes
she's locked into one self contained storyline so you can look her scenes in youtube

>then you spend 90% of your time doing low level shit
Or you could spend 0% of your time doing that

Fuck off she's mine.

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Do treasure maps and sell Savage Aim VIII materia if you need gil. SAVIII materia averages around 30k a pop on Crystal and you can get multiple stellacluster-whatever-they-ares every day by doing daily roulettes with role-in-need bonuses.

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do it nigga
how many pomanders do you have left?

or you level a crafter and sell leveling gear. Lots of sprouts running around there’s a big demand for gear from levels 30 - 80

I'm feeling alright about this! It could be better but I could definitely be worse off!

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>keep wiping because tank greeds hard and dies or gets melee or healer killed, obviously trying to go for an orange parse
>healer doesnt raise because swift is down
I just want my gear you assholes

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some giga coomer what a pussy

>no steel
pray you get one but this is still good

I panic popped one when I had two things aggro on me at once in the 181-189 set, I wasn't taking a risk there. I'm feeling relatively optimistic. If I die, that really sucks but at least I've made it to a new personal best.

>don't think anything sexual of Ryne
>feel disgust to those who do
>suddenly her Hydaelyn outfit in E8S
>the mess, long hair
>the way her outfit hugs her body
>the blatant opening from cleavage to her navel
Not like this bros

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she actually looks like an adult in that form so i understand

>womb tattoo

it's more like a clasp but yes. It should've been a tattoo

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