Why does everyone say Sothis looks like a child? She looks like a petite woman to me

Why does everyone say Sothis looks like a child? She looks like a petite woman to me.

Attached: Artwork_Sothis.png (979x1168, 1.69M)

You’re a pedo so your opinion doesn’t matter

No playable dragons
No playable Rhea
No older Sothis
No older fish girl

But at least Nintendo made sure to stuff in the WORST MOST GENERIC side content into the $25 season pass and then finish it off with actual new subpar story content.

Because she has cute suckable feet.

Probably because it's a series that routinely features green-haired children that are secretly dragons


They might be Australian.

>no playable dragons
Who are Byleth, Flayn and Seteth

How do I equip them with a dragonstone?

*playable dragon forms

Attached: 18600013871812.png (2360x1568, 3.13M)