Why does everyone say Sothis looks like a child? She looks like a petite woman to me

Why does everyone say Sothis looks like a child? She looks like a petite woman to me.

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You’re a pedo so your opinion doesn’t matter

No playable dragons
No playable Rhea
No older Sothis
No older fish girl

But at least Nintendo made sure to stuff in the WORST MOST GENERIC side content into the $25 season pass and then finish it off with actual new subpar story content.

Because she has cute suckable feet.

Probably because it's a series that routinely features green-haired children that are secretly dragons


They might be Australian.

>no playable dragons
Who are Byleth, Flayn and Seteth

How do I equip them with a dragonstone?

*playable dragon forms

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It's the curse of the anime artstyle. Children and petite women are a blurry line thanks to the simplification of the human form. The difference between a mother and a grandma can be just a few extra lines beneath the eyes, not to mention the difference between a mother, an older sister, a young office woman, a young deliquent man, an older one, and the list goes on, it's like there's a black hole between 20 and 50 where everything goes. If you watch a shitload of anime, you eventually learn to distinguish them from the tropes and cliches japanese media tend to use to distinguish them, but you can't expect normalfags to know that. Also this , probably this really.

Awakening and Fates had more dragon units than Tree Houses.

People that do not transform into dragons. IS sure got lazy due to the 4 routes bullshit. I hope the next game is more focused.

3 Houses has not a single playable one, so literally every single other game has more dragon units.

she cute and bonus cause feet are in full view.

Sothis feet

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In the feeble mind of a burger (or Australian government official) if a woman doesn't have at lest DD tits she might as well be 10

is she a good character?

Based Byleth literally confirms Sothis is a child with the Ashen Wolves DLC by telling Balthus what she looks like.

her split personalities gimmick is a turn off for a lot of people but most of the time she's a likeable ojou character
as a unit she's one of the best mages in the game

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I really like her hair.

>not training her in fucking fists

She's currently stronger than my goddamn Balthus and I love it

her post timeskip design is perfect, i wish it had more art

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I want to impregnate Sothis


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Her proportions are those of a child, user, not a short woman.

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Wouldn't that be selfcest?

Why do you want to impregnate Sothis?