Can't switch weapons or materia in the middle of battle

>can't switch weapons or materia in the middle of battle.
That makes this game shit. It is essential for any action rpg to be able to switch equipment in the middle of a fight.

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you wana know how I know you are a zoomer?

sounds like someone got filtered by Hell House

the biggest problem is the cluster fuck bosses. 90% of the attacks in the game are well designed and you can avoid them.
but the 10% ruin that by being impossible to avoid damage. because of the oversights of the devs the game is incredibly sloppy and inconsistent.

How long until a zoomer come here a says the game is shit because you have to press the buttons of the controller.

>why isn't all game the same? I only want to learn one game and call myself a gamer!

Just got done in by Abyu 2.0 because I foolishly believed the middle of the srena to be the safe spot during the double flood.
I thought they'd open at the same time.
Also, I often miss when additional parts of bosses become targetable, is there some kind of sign other than the target list during ATB moves?

you couldn't do that in the original you retard.
its called strategy. prepare yourself before battle.

Does it even have optional harder bosses ala FFX?

Is this one of the Reasonable FF7R Complaints I've been hearing so much about?

what are you, some kind of mid-fight moveswapping tumblebuffing darksouls retard?
play a different fucking game if you don't like it.

>It is essential for any action rpg to be able to switch equipment in the middle of a fight.

Not really. Name one good action RPG where switching equipment mid fight was necessary

It has an entire hard mode scaled for post game where even the sector 7 wraithound sidequest is harder than normal sephiroth

Since when?

Since Diablo 1.

Devil May Cry 5.

I said action RPG, not action game

You unlock moves in DMC5 so it's an action RPG and all RPGs should be more like it.

>fighting the sahagin in the sewers
>fighting any of the fucking ghosts
video game PTSD

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Just burn the ghosts. They die super quick.

they throw up barriers that are immune to magic though. And vice versa if you attack them physically

Only that faggot sahagin prince who can't be staggered until he enter counter mode is annoying.

DeBarrier or element + fire on weapon.


I have yet to come across that materia, and I'm in chapter 4. Is it dispel?

I could have saved so much frustration

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Dumbest post ive read in the month, congratulations, user.

>build up your ATB to max
>use ability
>boss goes into a cinematic and cancels out your ability
>get Limit Break and use it
>boss goes into another cinematic and cancels out your Limit Break
>try to heal yourself because all the cinematics are screwing you over
>yet another cinematic happens and cancels out your healing
>boss kills you because none of your attacks or moves are landing or finishing

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There are filters in this game?
I absolutely adore the game so far (coming up on chapter 14) and I really haven’t struggled much at all on anything. I am kicking myself for not getting that missable item from the chariot boss, but i didn’t wanna spoil more than I’ve already been spoiled on cause I can’t stay off fucking Yas Forums for a week

Uhh, try blocking? Youre not meant to completely avoid all damage like fuckin dark souls. Recall that in ff7, you basically had to eat attacks and heal. If you wanted to completely avoid being damaged you had to use shit like barrier or Aerith's final limit.

>things that didnt happen

Why would you swap weapons? Weapons are hella imbalanced because of upgrading.
It would be nice to swap materia. But honestly if a fight requires you to have a specific materia setup to win, you might as well just pause and restart it