Ghost of Tsushima

bros... this might be the one

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>Shoot tranny
>Companion turns on you
But I did the right thing?

>24/7 thinking about trannies
why are you people like that

they better not back out on the no waypoints stuff after all this time, surprised Sony is even letting them attempt it given how it might scare off casuals

Is this another dogshit souls game with boring press x to become invincible combat?

Not hard to have one or two main hubs and then have a few branches that have big obvious landmarks. Or constant escorts for missions like GTA.

>no waypoints
Only good thing I've heard about this game, hope it's not just marketing

It’ll probably be optional.

Ghost of Tsushima?
More like Ghost of Coming to PCna

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I hope the Japanese dub has good lip-syncing
I think the FF7 remake had different lip-syncing for the English sub

they've said so since the start, that exploration happens entirely naturally without forcing your hand; no compass, map markers or stupid shit like that
RDR2 could be played similarly and it was great, nice to have an open-world be actually utilized properly

they'll keep it, but also have the golden trail that holds your hand to everywhere you go.

>traditional waypoints
So it's come to this, huh?

So i guess none of the companions are plot-essential?

SeKINO ended this game a year before it even came out

Yeah, my first thought too. Fucking joke of an industry.

More like nu god of war in japan.

Haven't you watched the japanese trailer?

>removing QoL is a feature now
fucking artsy fartsy bullshit

Fuck that too, when are we getting a new Tenchu?

what are you even implying

Sekiro is generic souls shit


>If you’re not a history buff, fear not: this is far from a dry lesson. Sucker Punch is dedicated to bringing the drama of an epic samurai movie to the game, with the team citing the likes of Akira Kurosawa as inspiration

ANOTHER fucking movie. i'm fucking done with sony

a good chunk of god of war had no waypoints and from experience I barely used it once the compass was introduced. sure it's not an out and out open world game, but it's for the best if tsushima isn't either

wow! now i get to play the game like how open world games were in the 2000's, thanks!

>no! now you are making it TOO much like i prefer you to! That's old!
What the fuck faggots fuck off, never happy with anything.

>skyrim compass ruined videogames says Yas Forums
>a open world game comes in 2020 without waypoint indication where the player has to go
>Yas Forums STILL manages to find ways to make that a problem

this place is a fucking joke

shit like this always sounds great on paper but in practice end up being awful mechanics.

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these retards literally think an open-world horseback adventure game is comparable to a Diablo clone like Nioh, it's not even worth arguing with them

>why are people shitting on an open world assassin’s creed clone
Fucking kill yourself shill

>Nani bakana revenge *oriental drums* YOOOOOOO
>SAMURAI, preare herpfus very much, our golden week will be ruined without the sakura trees
>QUEST LOG UPDATED: Find the sakura trees arsonist
>TUTORIAL HUD: How to use the scout vision
>*game looks like Batman Arkham/Assassins Creed games detective mode*
>Hint: Follow the newly discovered tracks to find the arsonist
>*whistles for magical horse* *BAKANA BAKANA YOSH YOSH* *auto ride to the arsonist*
>Tutorial: Here's how to buy a PS4 Pro or PS5 to continue playing

I'm not gonna keep going because I hate modern game design too much.

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>no waypoints, markers, compass or anything that's comparable to Ubishit
>it's a Ubishit clone

room temperature IQ

too bad this shit dev has only made one good game
Literally every thing past sly one was shit. there is no way this game will be good

Played through sp entirely without the minimap. Some of the landmarks I used are burned into my mind. Like that rock that marks the entrance to the second camp when heading north .