Play Pokemon
Play Pokemon
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why do we have pokemon threads here every hour when there's a pokemon board?
do they only care about the shitty new games?
jesus, may's clothes are awful
They look good on her. But they'd look better on my bedroom floor.
You have a carpet fetish...?
No, her clothes would be on the floor because she would be naked. In my bed. With my erect, throbbing manhood stuffed to the hilt inside her.
But then you wouldn't be looking at the clothes though, and I don't think cluttering your floor will make you room look better. Is that some kind of new home decor style?
The point is I want to fuck her. I want to fuck her brains out. I want to fuck her until I'm jizzing dust, take a brief break to rehydrate, then go back in for more.
Her brains?! Wouldn't she die? That sounds horrific user! What kind of life did you life to want to see someone's brain burst from their skull?
I did. Then I realized that the series hasn't meaningfully changed since the Game Boy originals released two decades ago and the quit.
I am right now doing the doubles train in white 2.
May > Dawn > Misty
Hilda = Kris > RS May = Leaf > Dawn > Plat Dawn > Serena > Chicken > Garbodor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ORAS May > Chicken 2 > Literal Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> Kotone
OK, now it's getting old.
Based coomer troll.
I stopped after X. I just fap to Wicke now.
Where Should I Start?
Always start with the first Pokemon Ranger.
If you want to start then gen 3's FR/LG or Emerald are good places.
>Pokefags can't offer anything better beyond coom posting
Why are teenage girls so sexy?
It's pretty much impossible to have actual pokemon discussions there
May taught me how being in love feels like
how come there is zero doujins of these two being beaten in a pokemon match in someones secret base/underground and kept there as sex slaves?
I don't know
Make me
That would require artists to have an understanding of the game and not some random trying to garner attention from simply drawing popular characters because it's nerdy.
god chelodoy is such a shit fucking artist
Yas Forums boards aren't exclusionary. anything video game related is allowed on Yas Forums, /vp/ just exists for more focused pokemon discussion. only /mlp/ and /vg/ are designed to function as containment boards. And dedicated discussion boards like /vp/ and /vg/ have been proven time and time again to just turn into attention whores circlejerking each other, so all real discussion on those topics occurs on Yas Forums anyway.
No, Pokemon died at Gen 4 to me, now I only replay the same games over and over again, rate my last Platinum team from a few months ago
I'm sure i've at least seen a few doujins where a female trainer lost and had to pay with her body over the years. although nowadays the writers just go for the lazy hypnosis route.
How did she go from this...
leave the poor french girl alone, you nip whores
4 was the worst. You should've played 5.
I did, and I hate it
I'm not a pedophile
well great, now i'm going to spend tonight looking for doujins of a similar concept to this even though i know i'm going to be disappointed by how few come even remotely close.
this board must suck for you lol
nobody said you were user. that's kind of a strange statement to make unprovoked, almost like you have something to hide.
Lana's mama
what the point in living if i am never going to be a goth girl about to be rape by 2 other cuties
after sun/moon i just cannot stomach pokemon anymore, i always drop new runs around the 3rd/4th gym.
I can't believe I dont like your opinion.
Not till they start putting fucking effort into their games again.
i was thinking more specifically lesbian molesters targeting a socially awkward or shy girl.
Best player trainers
Best Gym Leaders
Best NPCs/other
>Hex Maniac
>female Team Skull Grunt
>Best Gym Leaders
Excellent taste user. She's been my favorite ever since i first saw her in the TV show.
>tfw she will never look this happy after you blast your load in her face like Haunter did.