Video games are becoming movies

>video games are becoming movies
>movies are becoming video games
anyone else hate this?

Attached: video game cinematography.webm (865x865, 2.8M)

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what's vidya about a long take?

nah, that shot was great

1917 is basically just a Sony exclusive


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>the grass was cgi
I didn't even notice.

>>movies are becoming video games

1917 was pure unadulterated kino and only brainlets would disagree

>Germany pilot just stabs the fucking guy who rescued him
Things that would never happen in real life for 500 Alex

It was quite the experience.
An amazing film indeed.

user, I...

Long takes have been in cinema longer than you or I have been alive. Every now and then you get a meme film like this that sees how stupidly far you can push it. That doesn't mean movies are becoming like video games, this technique has been used in movies like goodfellas since before the inception of videogames. You have it right that vidya is becoming more like movies in some cases, but not the other way round.

wasn't a german pilot?

it's a plot device for a narrative
1917 wasnt a documentary

That's most tv and film these days. It's better budget saving than shooting on location, or making your location look exactly how you want. Since you don't notice like you pointed out, there's literally no downside unless you're being a purist contrarian faggot.

It's a theme park movie for disney fans, irredeemable garbage

that's a pretty cool contrarian opinion

Meanwhile, video games and movies are the best they've ever been.

>they tried to pass this off as real life footage
It looks like a 90s render

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Goodfellas probably isn't the best example given video games are two decades older than that film, but your point is still good.

God I hate when movies do this, there is something so fake about shots like this and all I can think of is the director going LOOK HOW IMPRESSIVE THIS IS

I’ve played the first 2 hours of FF7, up to meeting Aeris in the church. Is this new ‘remake’ worth playing?

kill yourself retard

it would help if they didn't brighten up every part of the screen so the real parts like the explosions dont even look real anymore

It's because the vehicle holding the camera and mic created those tracks.

whats with the green piss filter?

>video games are the best they've ever been

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>bongs and burgers making movies about WW1 like they did shit in that war
fucking anglos

This whole movie felt like two incapable people, having the worst kind of good luck, going through a ton of flashy battlefield one type bullshit.
That scene is one example of how incapable and retarded they act. Why would he climb in the charging zone to get to the end faster? Why would he even climb out when everyone else was about to already? It's just like the director wants his mind to appear abstract or some shit, but in reality he's just a dumbass.

>looking for sauce in a LOL thread

Wait, explain to me how this is a video game you stupid retard?

The gimmick of this movie made it worse to be honest. It should have had more time skips.

Not that user, but almost everyone I've talked to about it thought it was typical Summer garbage.

So all the retards on Yas Forums? LMAO

based post

>theme park movie
This. Just random events happening with no real connection. And it being a "single" take added nothing.


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disagree entirely, however I will say that in the case of 1917 and god of war the single take thing did add to the impact of certain setpieces, despite requiring more suspension of disbelief

absolutely unimpressive plebian statement

Why couldn't this happen?

Man Yas Forums really is the dumbest fucking board on this site

god of war

>God of War invented long takes

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>not dead space