Parents of Yas Forums, what games have you been playing with your kids (both before and during quarantine)?

Parents of Yas Forums, what games have you been playing with your kids (both before and during quarantine)?

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Cave explorer

My wife is pregnant, 5 months along. We just have sex. A LOT of sex.

dunno lol I just pay alimony
better that way

>with your kids
My girl is 2 months old, she won't be playing for a long time. But I'm playing Astral Chain.

I aborted. Want animal crossing switch instead.

Lol fucking loser

I have 2 boys: 15 and 12. Last year I played Resident Evil 2 Remake with them. I really wish I would've recorded some of their reactions

>Having a baby that close to your setup
It's like you want 5G to fry your babies brain.

My kid is 6. He just started watching me when i played the ps4. Got him lego jurassic world. Shit is fun that you can co op. Mother fucker played medieval and beat jt after 4 months. Im worried... Obviously he has time limits but its fun to actually co op with my kid.


>Non-wired internet connection

computers dont run on 5g user
learn tech

He's 8 months old so no games for him but he has watches me play a few things and seems to enjoy it, the colors and music probably. I'm playing Xenoblade X

at least I'm not virgin


>not building your childs immunity to corona

probably not even your kid anyway
enjoy paying for your ex's dates for the next 18 years tho simp

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cheaper than raising him anyday lmao

Played castle crashers, gonna start tales of symphonia with my boy soon. Any recommendations for co-op rpgs for ps3?

I play BOTW and Stardew Valley with my 4-year old.

Well, in BOTW we just roam around and explore..

>at least I'm not virgin
I'd fucking rather be.

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*hits pipe*

>Adore my little niece. She just turned 7 and is the kid who makes me want to have kids.
>Always nice to her but kind of put off sleepovers/hanging out with her because I'm a hip early-20s loser who just wants to smoke weed and avoid responsibilities for a few years.
>Recently found out that I need to have some stuff cut out of my brain and have a bunch of medical issues which while not hereditary would make it extremely risky to ever get pregnant.

I'm sure there's enough daughterfu faggots in Yas Forums who have accepted their fate to understand how this feels.

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Adopt. Just imagine how bad kids in orphanages must be managing right now.

My daughter mostly plays Minecraft, but she likes playing Splatoon and SM64. Played a lot of Crash and Spyro.

help... my wife is pregnant with kid number 6... i feel like the singular source of american quadroons at this point. i don't even remember video games. i'm only here because taking a shit is the only time i don't have to be super dad.


Why would you have a child if you can’t abstain from playing games to raise them properly.

what does it matter, anyway
most here grew up with proper food, housing and electronic baby sitters and look how they turned out to be



I’d rather be a wizard than pay for your ex to raise jamaals kid. Fucking lowlife

that's where you're wrong
I don't live in jewrica, I was forced to register my kid after the paternity test
and he'll end up better than you

How the fuck are you letting this happen nigga

What did he mean by this?

Like I’m a big enough normalfag to have a stable relationship, let alone kids. Gb2reddit

My kid is less than a year old, so nothing.

If he ever wants to play PC games, though, he's never going to have a shortage of them, assuming Steam, GOG, etc. don't go out of business, because I have a shitload of games between them.

it's a man's job to have a million kids. it's only a nightmare when they're all under 6 years old. eventually i can pawn them off to the oldest, it's just the beginning is hellacious.

amen, brutha. taking care of offspring is a female job

5 year old daughter is getting the hang of a few games. Not doing terribly well yet, but she has fun.

>swims and wahoos in Mario 64
>enjoys driving in circles while I chase her in Mario Kart 64
>small selection of Pokemon she takes care of in the Pokemon-amie content of X and Moon
>will happily wander around either of the LoZ Oracle games for an hour falling down holes, cutting shrubs, fighting enemies, and swimming

Huh thats nice..

What else?

Tell more plz.

>happily wander around
I miss being able to do this. I miss incompetence and not being able to blow through a game

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