Parents of Yas Forums, what games have you been playing with your kids (both before and during quarantine)?
Parents of Yas Forums, what games have you been playing with your kids (both before and during quarantine)?
Cave explorer
My wife is pregnant, 5 months along. We just have sex. A LOT of sex.
dunno lol I just pay alimony
better that way
>with your kids
My girl is 2 months old, she won't be playing for a long time. But I'm playing Astral Chain.
I aborted. Want animal crossing switch instead.
Lol fucking loser
I have 2 boys: 15 and 12. Last year I played Resident Evil 2 Remake with them. I really wish I would've recorded some of their reactions
>Having a baby that close to your setup
It's like you want 5G to fry your babies brain.
My kid is 6. He just started watching me when i played the ps4. Got him lego jurassic world. Shit is fun that you can co op. Mother fucker played medieval and beat jt after 4 months. Im worried... Obviously he has time limits but its fun to actually co op with my kid.