Sable the wife

Sable the wife

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She has a huge black mouth and five tiny noses

And Gandalf the white

people reporting threads now?

Sable is my wife!

Lol, get rekt
Serves you right for turnip it into a sub

rip thread, thanks in advance Mr. Grape

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>joins the island multiple times blocking other anons from doing their business
>posts the code here when getting called out on it
>now reports threads to get them deleted

Can anyone stop Gibbs?

If you didn't crush on Sable back when you played the GC version as a 10 year old you have no soul.

Thanks Grape!

that's what happens when you guys can't handle just having a single thread for discussions.

thanks Grape

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Technically the naked apron thing.

Served you right

>have a single thread for weeks
>mods delete it
>5 more pop up
>delete one of the five
>3 more pop up
>8 fucking threads

>proper thread gets deleted
>waifu thread is still up

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Can't see it even if I try. Still a black nose with freckles.

You people only want Sable and Penny from Stardew Valley because you think they're the least likely to run away from you.

You can have her. The real prize is this big boy

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Sable is the closest thing Animal Crossing will ever get to a romance subplot. People might want to fuck other villagers, but Sable will always be the forever girl.

I can see the mouth, but those are freckles any way.

Is this the new general

Isn't he paired with that wolf whore or something?

Penny is trash. An emotionally-vulnerable breeder with no personality. No fucking thanks.

Thanks Grape, I'm almost to single digit queueing

I invited Apollo to my island thanks to amiibo and since he moved in, he's constantly dancing and singing, like every fucking time I see him he's just partying without ever stopping. He learned K.K. Surfin' from my DJ turntable and now he's teaching it to my entire island, and now the dance fever is spreading like a virus. Best moment was when I catched him singing and dancing near Cally while she was reading: literally moments later he came to me all sad, saying that he thought Cally disliked him and he didn't know why. This fucking game.

For me it's Muffy

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tfw she is worried if you will show up for the usual visit to the shop today.

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And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight

>mfw forgot to visit her yesterday
it hurts

What's the best way to not have my island not look like complete shit?

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Never wondered until now, but how does time work in the series. In each game, there's obviously progression in terms of what Nook does and the likes, so what would his age be now? Or is it more that they just start fresh with each game in a more modern time, but they backstory for each character gets added onto the next game? The wiki has his age at 40, so would that mean the Gamecube Nook was at that age, or is he just perpetually 40? Never thought about time in an Animal Crossing game because that's a bit silly, but now I'm fucking curious.

by not giving a shit

Do it little by little.
Make small changes, and think carefully about where to put things.
Just do what looks good to you, and it will end up alright.

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just give into little ideas. you'll have plenty of time to fix anything you don't like later

why do people hate the racoon?

Just got her to open up today.

Now It's time to get her legs open ;)