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You wouldn’t fuck a retard would you Yas Forums

i like that 1 doujin where she becomes a drug addict and gets fucked senseless by multiple fat old men

me too

I definitely would.

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that's a cute eggplant

Nothing in my folder of her is safe to post

Imagine having a hyper erotic big tit body, being an idol, and literally being known for being a dumbass so all your fans call you stupid. Or like the farmer idol known for her cowtits. Imagine, you're on stage, dancing something you worked your ass off for as men chant insulting names like "cowtits" and "bimbo" at you. You just know that you're just a pretty face and a fat pair of tits to them.

anyone got any hentai where dumb girls are tricked into fucking?

Fuck that's hot

They aren't wrong, though, Riamu was made to be bullied.

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I have a terrible fetish for dumb chicks but the only girls I’ve fucked who fit the personality type I’m looking for we’re BPD.

I sure enjoy video games

My druggie wife is so cute

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God I want to be an idol so badly

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I would until she was a drooling double retard

I fucking hate big tits and wide thighs

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me too

t. jealous tranny

You're up there, the lights are dazzling
Your comically oversized breasts are practically hitting you in the face, this dance routine sends them out of control
Every bounce, you can see the audience of entirely men getting excited and cheering
Words like "retarded bimbo" and "cowtits whore" being screamed at you constantly



Don't worry, Side-M has all the idols that appeal to your tastes.

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I want to do whatever it takes to make my fans happy

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>pink hair
>mental illness

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Epic video game thread
>b-but idolmaster is video games
Which is why everyone in here is talking about the gameplay right

nigga you gay

>pastel pink white and cyan colour scheme
>these posts
The jokes write themselves.

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you don't need to post video game related content for a thread to be video game related

Fuck off back to d*scord, tranny astroturfer
This is anime tiddy country

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>you don't need to post video game related content for a thread to be video game related

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>calls you out for tranny shit
>n-no u

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Maybe she just pretends to be retarded because she knows she's going to be more popular this way.

not an argument

Nobody mentioned trannies until your obsessed ass showed up, m8

what are you, a fag?

Why does she wear a shirt that has a skeleton on it

Why don't you wear a shirt that has a skeleton on it? Not cool enough for it? I thought so.