Did she do a good job voicing Aerith?

Did she do a good job voicing Aerith?

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Why do Tifa, Jessie and Aerith all sound like they're voiced by the same person?

you mean Alice.

Yes. I think so. After watching Ff7 RE cause I don't have a Ps4, I actually think she did the best voice over of them all.

Is she the hottest VA?


The fuck?

people watch games now, gramps.
I don't have the time to meander through stupid japshit for 70 hours.
Heard it sucks anyways.

I don't have a PS4 so I watch the cutscenes and gameplay to get a sense of the game as well as the story. I think it's great.

briana sit on my face pls

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user how can you properly enjoy a game if you cant add it's case and figurines to your faggot shelf once you're done playing it?

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not bad but she's definitely the weakest.

Hot enough to make you wonder what the fuck she's doing voice acting.

>best voice

That’s not Barret
That’s not Barrret

Tifa is alright, Jesse is a landwhale
Aerith bros win again though

>the weakest
Middle aged midwestern white woman Tifa is my pick for most ill-fitting.

I mean, that's not a big bar considering Aerith's history with an English voice.

Probably one of the better ones though.

THIS is barrett's VA.

Attached: barrett.jpg (1245x650, 353.44K)

Japanese will always be vastly superior, of course

It's pretty baffling how bad SE seems to be at getting anyone that sounds even a little decent at voicing their characters. In all of FFVII's history of being voiced Steve Blum being Vincent has probably been their crowning achievement of "acceptable".

I don't understand why you would want to watch a drama on the same level as days of our lives. I never watch cut-scenes in games past 2000 because of this.

>brown eyes

Buck-toothed. 6/10

Not even really bringing JP into the equation. That's really only been Sakamoto for years iirc.

We've had what, 3 different VAs for Aerith, not counting 7R's complete recast?

Moore, Suvari and Bowen I think?

Yes but doesn't she sounds like a little girl? Or is it just me? It's a good voice but when she makes a high pitch her voice sounds like an 8 year old or something and she does that a lot, but very good anyways

is this the same chick that voiced Vanille? Because Aerith sounded like an absolute bimbo. and i love bimbos

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>dub version

Yep and tifa sounds 45 years old. There's no balance.

>jp version

>Sons of Anarchy
Oh no, someone missed THIS show.

I'll understand peak consoomerism. I am something of a consoomer myself because I lack intimate human relationships, but I won't understand a man who finds anything worthwhile in Sons of Anarchy.

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I don't see what you're getting at

Yep, they talk in japanese in the japanese version.

t. westacuck

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Jesse is not a landwhale you fucker.

How sad is it that of all the trash he listed in that post, SoA was still the best one?

Aerith sounds 14 while Tifa sounds like she's in her 40's. It's fucking dumb.

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Have you seen her?
She's more gigachad than anyone in Yas Forums


I fucking love her

>sub version

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>No tits
Into the trash she goes.


Stop posting images for mice.
I hate having to yandex them before saving.

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She seems to waffle between hamplanet and strongfat from looking at a gallery of her, which is weird to see on a woman

you have literally never seen this person irl

literally built to sit on my face while playing FF7

Voice consistency.

For being such an obvious self-promoting whore I'm surprised she hasn't been shilling herself anywhere. I wonder if she signed a dumb contract binding her somehow or if she's just really bad at self promotion.

How big is her pussy?

so much anger