>no man's sky good
No man's sky good
unironically yes
sure it is, but you know what's even better?
It's good for like 10 hours then when the novelty wears off you realize it's just an insane tedious grind
>has a youtube channel with like millions of views per video
>twitch streams have like 50 people watching
I don't think he ever said the game was good, just that its promises were eventually met and then some.
>person who makes fully scripted, topical videos not as popular just randomly blabbering about random shit
There isn't any "grind" in the traditional sense in this game. If you want money, there's a million ways to do it. If you want to complete the main quest the recipes are literally given to you during the quest.
Money is insanely easy to get in this game, almost to the point where there's no value in money once you reach over 500m+.
S-Rank equipment and ships/frigates/freighters can be tough to get, but there's a whole sub dedicated to posting coordinates for S-Ranks with pictures and directions so you can browse and pick them up at your leisure.
As someone who's played this game 3 times in different patches (launch/atlas/beyond), this game is hardly the game it was during launch. It's worth picking up again.
Sorry, but I played the game your lying bullshit doesn't work on me shill
Sorry, but I watched a Let's Play and your lying bullshit doesn't work on me shill
It's good like for the first two days than it's fucking boring, its like playing space-Skyrim over and over
His video was very funny and a nice story, but I didn't find No Man's Sky appealing when it was at its most hype and I don't find it appealing now. Glad people are nicer to that soiface guy though.
I used to like this dudes vids a few years back. Why do I now get irrationally angry any time I see a thumbnail of his pop up in my recommended?
Played it for about 10 hours recently. It's really fucking boring. only interesting bit is building bases and unfortunately doing it on normal difficulty is a chore (like everything on anything above tourist mode), and doing it on tourist difficulty feels pointless.
because hes popular now and thus shit
uhmm duh? just like SSeth
its only cool to like a guy BEFORE they go mainstream
Asking the real questions. Why cant i find love while exploring the universe?
So did they ever put out an apology for the initial shit show?
He didn't say it was good though, just that the developers attempted to fix everything after the launch and ended up adding most of the missing features and some extra stuff.
>mfw finding out you can just print money by refining chlorine and oxygen into more chlorine
>mfw finding out how many materials you can do this with for infinite materials, given you can buy the oxygen or other materials needed to perform the loop
It's a bit of a grind for a while but once you get some medium refiners it's so easy it even becomes a little aimless
Because you’re mad you didn’t have the idea to do videos like his?
>mfw I've never played No Man's Sky and probably never will
can frogs get lung cancer?
I'm sitting on 4bil atm just tending my farm. It takes a while to get it set up but as soon as you do it just prints money. Best of all, you can trade the end products away. 5 Stasis Devices/Fusion Reactors are ~80 mil and I can make around 40 every 16 hours.
>did the guys that have spent like four years fixing a game with shitloads of updates for free ever apologize for idiots getting their expectations way too goddamn high for a game made by a developer who was previously best known for fucking Joe Danger
nigga what do you think
I'm sorry sir, you've contracted RAIDS
All the people saying that they fixed it are just coping because they bought into the hype
>having this low of an iq
stay out of the gene pool
I got the game recently and played for about 20 hours but it feels ... idk, shallow?
I thought I'd get better movement or more mobility but even with S rank Jetpack and Sprint it's still very boring walking from resource to resource. And all the planets are basically the same thing with different colors. I kept playing because I was hoping for a moment where everything "clicks" together and the game becomes fun, but that didn't happen.
Also the game runs like shit, holy fuck. I can't get a stable 60 FPS on a 2070S and the texture pop-in is nonstop.
Autism most likely
Try meleeing+jetpacking. Meleeing projects you forward and if you jetpack it keeps your momentum and you fly super fast. If you run out of jetpack though and there's a dip, you're going to die though.
Probably because you equate the fanbase to the creator
>watching reddit youtubers
you have to go back
I like how he conveniently left out a bunch of the egregious lies Sean told to make him out to be a poor downtrodden dreamer with ambitions too great for his workforce.
Remember how the center of the galaxy was supposed to contain something amazing and wondrous, and then it turned out it just tekeported you to another random planet for a shitty ng+?
isnt this the retard who makes youtube bux off of reading knowyourmeme articles?
Is he really a retard if he can make ez money like that?
>lie to tens of thousands of people live at E3 and in multiple separate interviews
>lol why are your expectations so high?
what is his best video and why is it the rapture one
I mean every youtube account similar to his (yongyea, gamerfrommars, and other shitty youtubers) already steal everything from reddit and sites like knowyourmeme so its not a new idea