Guilty Gear beta invitations are out

Guilty Gear beta invitations are out
did you get yours?

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yes. i think everyone got one.

Got it this morning
Never played GG
Which character do you think will be easiest to start playing?

I got mine.

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Ky has a litle bit of everything and you can use Sol if you like smashing buttons and not thinking.

I'm confused
can you play on the 15 or is it just downloads?

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I think it's just download
They already said the beta would be from april 16 to 19

I got in but I thought Zato-1 was gonna be playable and he isn't

Dudes in the last thread said the download was up on Playstation.
I'm NA and I get an error about the code being expired or something

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People in North American can't download the beta yet.

Grahpic design is my passion

I didn't. It's probably for the better cause I really got a lot of work to do this week but it still sucks

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I wish the look of the timer just extended to the UI in general. That they even changed that shows that they're aware that that's the kind of look people want, so I don't know why they just changed the timer to look like that.

Did ASW fire their UI artists or something?

Wonder why are they taking so long for the UI, should be easy

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Who is in the beta?

Thanks user, thought my code was fucked

>that itsy bit of punk rock aesthetic on the timer
>but zelda hearts and beige to pink gradient life bars
I gave up trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with this game

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I'd like to know what the target audience for this game is, because it sure isn't people who like Guilty Gear.

Sol, Ky, May, Axl, Potemkin, Chipp and Faust.

The health bars really ought to have the same style as the time and round wins. Risc is now actually noticeable but it should be a bit bigger. Maybe put it on the right side of the health bar like Granblue does with it's meter.

Guilty Gear gradually went from Iron Maiden to Crush 40.

No PS4 unfortunately

got in and already done downloading. only 5gig?

These tiny UI elements are going to be almost invisible after video compression
Especially those hearts, come on, dark red on black?

The hears are a VSav reference for what it's worth

I heard they got a lot of negative feedback on the UI. think even woolie from SBF asked a dev about it and he said "we know, we are working on it".

Isn't that exactly what they said about that god awful character select screen in BBTAG?

I don't understand why they're trying to force the web3.0 styling so hard anyway
Look at every single other thing in the screenshot. The characters, the stage, the background, the lighting effects, it's all interesting and 3 dimensional with plenty of depth and detail and visual interest. Nothing is just a solid color, everything has texture and volume to it. Even ignoring the complete thematic departure from the series' tone it just doesn't fit at all.
The black designs around the timer are a little better and the contrast is kind of appealing but even they're still too flat. Every other game in the series, at least that I've played so ignoring Dust Strikers and shit, the UI has been trying to look like a physical object. Something you might see on the front of some kind of weird gothic early radio.

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Did they get rid of that retarded scaling thing on the health bars?

Make sure you be brutally honest on your feedback form so they change it