Alex from Totally Spies

She's brown, tomboy, and likes playing video games, what did they mean by this?

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does she likes anal?
if so, she's literally perfect.

Best Girl
Sam Is close second
Clover is a total roastie

cute feet

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What game?

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Delete this.

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Sam > Alex > Mandy > Clover


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>loved this as a kid but was ashamed to say so because I thought it was for girls
Now I realize I was just a horny young bastard


Jerry best girl

does she fuck shotas?

now i understand why i love irish women

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Too bad they changed her voice for no reason

Don’t be embarrassed. Alot of boys watched/liked it in secret shame.


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Clover does

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It was for both. Girls got their power fantasy, boys got a funny feeling in their pants.


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>It was for both
The creators were targeting girls exclusively, and expected their audience to be 10% boys tops.

Oh my fucking god. Don't tell me they did a sinoff kids for Totally Spies.

Like 8 years ago dude.

Oh right of course, they shoved it full of fetishes for the girls.

it's called the spiez and the spies only show up in one episode

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That's a just a byproduct of them being guys.

Yas Forums - the masters of shit taste.

Better get in the thread before the time jannies delete it

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Hope they will just move it.

>clover anywhere near alex levels of goodness
Dumb fags

80s Clover fucking does it for me, lads.

>near equal split between Alex and Clover
Ok, I can see Sam being the most popular, but Clover is so obviously worst girl.

I think this show was an early influencer into my love of tomboys.

Shame most of the porn for it is trash.

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I don't remember voting on this poll. Invalid.

Clover literally has the personality of a roastie thot

>your fetish wasnt in this cartoon

i love fapping to mid 2000’s cartoons with you bros

She's the kind of dumb cunt who'd cheat on you and say its your fault she cheated.