Never played an Assassin's Creed game. Tempted to get this one because it's new and cheap and does 4K on Xbox One X...

Never played an Assassin's Creed game. Tempted to get this one because it's new and cheap and does 4K on Xbox One X. Should I?

If other games in the series are better I'm willing to listen. American Revolution is my favourite period and I like the Renaissance, but the last gen titles obviously don't look as good. I prefer the setting of Odyssey over Origins and dislike the idea of playing as a coon. But if there are valid gameplay arguments for those games, I'm keen to hear them.

Attached: Assassins Creed Odyssey.jpg (390x585, 62.12K)

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Attached: kassie.webm (1280x728, 2.89M)

Fuck off little tween racist.

Why do you darkies always have such a chip on your shoulder?

It's not really Assassin's Creed, that's just a label they slapped on it to get it to sell. It's really just a greek mythology based, loot central, typical ubisoft cashcow. It's more like The Saboteur but in ancient greece than an Assassin's Creed game.

If you like that period in history and the general aesthetic you will probably like it, the combat is okay but repetitive, but the gear looks pretty cool and your choices matter(not much, but more than they did in mass effect).

For someone who's never played an AC game, you'll likely see it as a pretty decent standalone RPG, fans of the series generally disliked it, but those faggots have complained for the previous 5 fucking games that everything is always the same and the story is the same, then as soon as they do something different they don't like it, so whatever.

the only AC games worth uplaying are 2 and black flag

>here, have diarrhea instead of solid shit
>wow, how dare you complain
Disingenuous cunt.

leddit is that way

start with AC2 imo.
you can play the follow-ups and finish Ezio's storyline, the other games dont quite match AC2's level but worth playing for Ezio.
skip AC3
AC4 is more AC shit that by this point you probably cannot be fucked with, but it has awesome pirate shit to make up for it.

>buys game
>complains about it
>buys the sequel
>repeat ad infinitum

You have special needs.

the backstory is still connected to past titles. I would play the whole series. AC1 is upscaled 4k on XB1X.

Do you mind that the ancient greeks were portrayed as shitskins darker than the dirtiest streetshitter or how ancient greek women ran around all over the place pretending they're equals

>upscaled 4k
so not 4k

They're all terrible. Probably the franchise I understand the popularity of the least. They all play like shit with boring combat and missions.

>that side quest where you fuck the guy's wife whilst he waits outside for a full day and night in a timelapse, then pays you after you're done with her

Attached: juden.gif (666x716, 1.72M)

AC1 was lightning in a bottle

you seem to be too young to remeber, but back in 2007 parkour was a big thing, and ac1 was the first game to deliver that
ac2 was a genuinly good game
the rest is marketing and brain dead consumers

This. I only tolerated Black Flag and Rogue because I like pirates.

>It's more like The Saboteur but in ancient greece than an Assassin's Creed game.
And that's a good thing. Fuck animus, fuck assassins, fuck all this retarded bullshit.

Attached: The-Sphinx-Challenge.jpg (1920x1080, 324.26K)

I bought this today for xbox one x, I played it before but I wanted to play it in 4k, and well it is a massive grindfest but usually I just find myself looking around the world, I love the greek theme and I just like looking around adoring the envirements , story is poorly written, and like I said with gameplay it is a grindfest but at the end of the day it stays and enjoyable game, one which you will quickly end up playing a few hours once you start playing it.

is it a carpet munching session if you play kassandra?

Bayek is egyptian, not black you retard.

to add up to this: this does definitely not feel like a traditional AC game. If you play odyssey and origins first, you will surely have to get used to the different gameplay style of the older games. If you want to play the most recent AC game with the older gameplay style you should play Syndicate or my personal favorites Unity and AC 2

setting is great but rpg mechanics really ruin the gameplay, exploring and looting cave/camp is mostly useless and just the classic Ubisoft autistic list checking as everything becomes obsolete right after one or two level.
Enemy can be quite spongy even on normal, story is alright, but nothing exceptional

Looks like a nigger to me.

That's not exaclty an assassin's creed game.
The series changed a lot with Odyssey and Origins.
The last real Assassin's Creed game was Unity

doesn't the xbox support all the assassins creed games either through back compat or current gen ports/hd remakes? if you haven't then why not start from the beginning or at least get the ezio trilogy since that's by far the best games in the series.

It is pretty good, started playing it yesterday. They have improved AC a lot over the last few releases.

Kasandra a cute, she is also a slut who offers sex to everyone.

>African's aren't black

How do they look compared to the modern titles in 4K though? This series appeals to me because it looks good and the worlds look like they have a neat vibe. If it looks last gen, it defeats the primary object.

Then you're blind, he's clearly got middle eastern/mediterranean facial features.

Not all ethnic groups on the continent of Africa are black, correct.

Attached: 2zOI1bC.jpg (1920x1080, 509.31K)

well the ezio collection is a modern up to date enhanced version released for this gen so it won't look last gen and its in 1080p

it's on sale for 70% off in EU now too. if you're going to get it then now is the time.