How's it gonna be?

How's it gonna be?

Attached: avengers.jpg (1890x1000, 177.96K)

When you don’t know meeeeeee
Hoooooowwwwws it gonna be

Why does nobody look right?
It was the same issue with the Spider-man game, they all look terrible, and yet the Batman games managed just fine.

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their eyes dont look right, too small or something


Because the batman games are based of cartoons.

This game seems to be basing it off the mcu. They look like cosplay characters.

> Arkham Combat with contextual team-up attacks.
> Semi-Open Hub Levels a-la God Of War's non-midgard realms.

I can't imagine anything less exciting.

They all look like dollar tree versions of themselves.

Didn't they make Ms.Pajeet the main character?

Probably not that good

>A capeshit live service game distributed by square enix
Not good

they spent all their budget getting the license and don't have any money doing anything but the basic game

>This game seems to be basing it off the mcu
If they're basing it off the MCU why not use the actors' actual faces then? You're 100% right about them looking like cosplay characters

because the licencing costs to use a celebrity's likeness is steep.

It would cost a lot more money. Robert Downy Jr was being paid like 50 million per film.

On top of this, they probably don't want the internet to be covered in SFM porn of their high quality 3d face scans.

>no raceswapped main superheroes
oh, wow, i'm impressed

this image should tell you everything, its a bad anthem clone riding the mcu.

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>numbers go up so fans get that dopamine drip
and didn't they say something about being a "live service" and adding content afterwards or something? like, they only have 5 or 6 playable characters and they'll add to their 5 maps down the road?

>How's it gonna be?

Attached: 1586811160101.jpg (420x490, 25.21K)

Its square enixes attempt at a live service game. You get the avengers and buy other heros as "funpay minibuys" with alternative outfits in lootboxes and you grind green>blue>purple>orange stat sticks to make your javelin, sorry METAHUMAN do 20 more points of shootbang per ouchie increment.

Its a scam riding an existing IP.

It looks like a generic 3rd person brawler with Avengers slapped onto it and a bunch of vague RPG mechanics to justify live service shit. Nobody gave a shit that it got delayed 4+ months.

IIRC the story's secondary MC after the main five Avengers is Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan).

>Data East is still going to have the title of the only good Avengers game ever made
Are those niggas still around?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 48.83K)

>muh mcu
fuck off

>It was the same issue with the Spider-man game
what was the problem they look fine are retards really that mad they dont look like the mcu

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20181221193619.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)


Fuck I got beaten to it

It actually already released if you go look through your local Walmart's $10 bin you'll find it

>go look through your local Walmart
And wait 3 hours before being allowed inside?

>devs wanted to do their version of the avengers
>results look like knockoff mcu instead of a stylized look
It's going to be a mediocre game.

I don't know how anyone can get excited for this game, it looks like a standard movie cashgrab pile of dogshit game, they even announced that they'll release "episodes" with more story which means that the base game will be 6 hours tops.