Dota 2 is a masterpiece of modern multiplayer

Seriously, why are you not playing this game on a regular basis? I've never seen a game with more depth, complexity, and variety. The game is more balanced right now than it's ever been before. The hero designs are great, the gameplay design is intuitive and the meta is constantly changing. Not to mention, Dota arcade. And best of all, it's COMPLETELY free. You have NO excuse.
>inb4 "mobas are shit"
>inb4 "multiplayer games are shit"
Want to know how I know you got filtered?

Attached: dota-2-logo.jpg (1920x1080, 96.31K)

>why are you not playing this game on a regular basis?
Got tired after the first decade.

where are these threads coming from
I like dota but cmon

I've been playing it for like 10 years, I can't play it all the time anymore

Too complicated.

ok Gabe

It's a great game, but you have to consider other players. Matchmaking isn't fair, playing with other people on your team can be stressful. The game is not fun, sometimes you join a game, and you know that you lose, even though it can drag out to one hour.
Shills, probably. The genre is dying.

I play occasionally still; ranked ancient. I don't enjoy playing by myself so I only play when some of my friends want too and most of them are crusader and refuse to play support so I usually end up playing 4 and 5 and getting depressed as I watch them miss last hits and struggle to have map awareness

Playing solo is a dice-roll people dont want to deal with.
Game is still pretty fun. Also I want the old shaders back.

45min per match lol no thanks