Let's make a game about killing demons
>oh hell yeah
And let us add Mario like jumping levels to it!
>umm. Ok?
And let's give the players no ammo!
>wait, what?
Seriously what were they thinking
Let's make a game about killing demons
>oh hell yeah
And let us add Mario like jumping levels to it!
>umm. Ok?
And let's give the players no ammo!
>wait, what?
Seriously what were they thinking
Other urls found in this thread:
Also they aren't demons, they're ayyliums.
they were thinking you might get fucking good OP but i guess that was too much to ask
i bought you get lost in tunnels in half life 2 also
You suck
filtering retards like you
>Mario is the only platforming game in existence
>doesn't know how to replenish ammo despite the numerous tutorials
Oh it's this thread again.
Nigger I wanna kill shit not jump around like a fucking bunny I don't care about getting good at it
Why do you assume I don't know how to do it when you yourself say that there's numeral tutorials about it. It's that the way you do it isn't fun.
Not assuming. Your admission of retardation is right there in the OP. The game gives you ammo by the buckets but you're way too stupid to know which button to press to get them lol
Cope and seethe
Why do people keep parroting this, there is not a single piece of evidence supporting this yet it's in every thread
What for? I love the game. Sounds like you're coping and seething with threads like this. Continue not having sex, faggot.
>getting filtered by the spacebar and C key
glory kills and the chainsaw are shit mechanics.
They both result from lazy map design that facilitate the arena>platforming>arena padding.
There should be an abundance of ammo, health, and armor pickups around the maps to make you explore.
Exploring the maps should be apart of the experience.
reducing ammo to push your shitty new design structure is childish.
They should simply have added more Demon weaknesses to encourage you to switch guns. And add more demons, like the ammo pinatas to recover ammo without breaking your pace.
Urdak is the single best level in the game due to ammo pinatas.
The musics cool though.
>Nigger I wanna kill shit not jump around like a fucking bunny I don't care about getting good at it
you have two options: get fucking good or go play OG doom faggot lmao
Opinion discarded. Saged.
>make the demon eat the funny pellet or take 80 damage
if it was a thing that happened during only their large attacks then sure, but i cant go a single combat encounter without making these asshats the main focus and hearing that stupid cartoony gulp sound.
and you have to focus them otherwise they sneak up on you with their instant bite attack and annihilate you
I'll go for the third option: Uninstaller and play a good shooter like CoD ;)
how dare you say something critical about Yas Forums's favorite game of the month
Or just shoot them with your other guns. Did you forget you had them?
This sounds like you've played the game on auto pilot and probably below ultra violence with Doom 1 & 2 nostalgia goggles.
Arabest one shots them
They are supposed to be high priority glass cannons, they are used properly in that role. I wish the glory kills on them had more variety tho
this, players already are exploring to get shit, just have ammo all over the map
glory killing should drop some ammo aswell
lol good go
Did you not understand the part that they need to be taken care off as quickly as possible?
To do that you make them eat the grenade or sticky bomb and its an instant kill, without that method these motherfuckers have no weakpoints and can tank 4 fucking rockets before going down
It's weird, I think the platforming turned me off of this game, I played it up until some Lava area and just stopped.
>just have ammo all over the map
There are literally walking ammo crates called zombies you can kill with your always recharging chainsaw.
Exploration for power ups, one-ups, and secrets should be enough.
Ever tried the Arbalest? Or micro missiles? Or the pulse rifle? Or just not getting close to them?
Even twitter fags are laughing at you, Yas Forums. Shut up about this game already.
They don't spawn right in your face 95% of the time. You could kill them with literally anything before they get to you.
Not to mention that you can't easily glorykill them if they aren't over some ground.
how to beat game on hardest mode
1. beat level on easy mode
2. at the end switch to hardest mode
3. game will show you as beating it on that mode the level ended with.
I'm well aware the arbalest oneshots them but ive not gotten that weapon yet, micro missiles eat through your entire ammo reserve for just ONE cacodemon and that goes for the pulse rifle aswell.
And i would love to not get close to it but the game keeps shutting me into tiny arenas where its very possible for them to just spawn right behind me, if im focusing 2 whiplashes and a mancubus its not hard for a cacodemon to go unnoticed.
Nah, you can't switch to Ultra-Nightmare.
I honestly can't imagine how it feels like to be filtered this hard by cacodemons of all things. Jesus.
>Enemy variety is bad
If every enemy operated exactly the same that'd be shit. Having a deadly demon be easily taken care of is fine.
I am making it through the game just fine, and i have killed them with options other than swallowing explosions.
But having a huge meatball that exists to swallow your balls or hit you for massive damage is asinine
quick switch to sticky bombs and shot one at it
Players aren't gonna want to explore the map during repeat playthroughs. Having it all in the arena is the right call
>ive not gotten that weapon yet
So not beaten mission 4.
>focusing 2 whiplashes and a mancubus
So mission 3 or 4.
>game keeps shutting me into tiny arenas
A few, a lot of outdoors though in 3.
>where its very possible for them to just spawn right behind me
>But having a huge meatball that exists to swallow your balls or hit you for massive damage is asinine
Why? Because you have no situational awareness and tunnel vision on one demon at a time?
Doom 2016 handed you a power fantasy that was easy to attain by broken weapons and high ammo counts
Eternal just makes you put in work for that fantasy
I will never understand why people think mindless shooting against easy enemies is a proper power fantasy. It needs to feel like you actually accomplished something in order to feel powerful.