Christcucks BTFO, a game saying that the pope is evil all along

Christcucks BTFO, a game saying that the pope is evil all along.

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POPE is catholic thing baka

>a position of power thats elected by a small counsel of old dudes behind closed doors who say some sky dad told them who to pick


>catholics aren’t christian

Waitin' on a game where you can play as a murderous Rabbi, fellas.

Mary worshipper christian...baka

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Based as fuck


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Martin luther is burning in hell for heresy

>"what if... church bad?"
>fedoras the world over rejoice

Also this, catholics aren't Christian.

>christians aren't humans
Humans BTFO

If The Pope doesn't kill sinners en mass in this game idgaf

yeah no shit the pope is a literal kike demon


>The Pope is evil because he wants peace
>this is an anti-semitic plan to destroy israel according to american chritcucks

Catholic here.
Pope Francis is a Jesuit blasphemer who deserves to burn in Hell. The Church as an institution is inherently evil and corrupt, all Abrahamic religions are glorified sex rings.

play Dominions 5 while reading Fiddler On the Roof, I guess

So true. The only non-evil pope (John Paul 1) was assassinated when he was going to expose the vatican.

If I was going to convert back to christianity, it would be to catholicism, or orthodoxy. Protestantism is nothing but a bunch of unbiblical heresies

>yeah no shit the pope is a literal kike demon
>Catholic here.
>Pope Francis is a Jesuit blasphemer who deserves to burn in Hell. The Church as an institution is inherently evil and corrupt, all Abrahamic religions are glorified sex rings.
>So true. The only non-evil pope (John Paul 1) was assassinated when he was going to expose the vatican.

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Alright, I'm gonna take a random guess at what this schlock is, but I would guess it's going to try and raise 'serious' questions about religion and Catholicism/Christianity, but ultimately have a 'positive' message near the end, so it can use edgy imagery without being mocked for going full fedora.

>Worship Mary instead of Jesus
>Have supplanted God with The Pope
>Cruel and unusual in their punishments
>Believe in unending torment, suffering and pain in this life and the next
>Disconnected from God
>Corrupt Moneygrabbers
>Violent and untrustworthy

Orthodoxy, however...

I'm a baptised, uncut Catholic you nigger.
Religions are pozzed globohomo organisations now.

Not him but I'm Jewish and I say that most Cathos are more into the aesthetics and "culture" than into any particular theological ideas.
Same goes for most Christcucks though. And most Jews just aren't really Jewish, I will admit.

>l-look, I got the water and everything
>I'm a good religious boy, I just don't believe everything my faith believes in
>f-fuck institutinalized religion that I'm openly a part of
>also i still have foreskin, don't mind my penis envy, silly boys OwO

>Orthodoxy, however...
Does the exact same thing? You're a LARPer from /lit/, aren't you.

call Protestantism heresies while he rans back to the mother of prostitutes denominations.

praying to Them little old Saint like Cecilia's and things
all kinds of dead people they worship. high form of spiritualism. worshipping the dead.

you guys are nothing but jokes

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>its another 'Protties vs Catties' shitfling thread
Catties, what do you have to say for the fact that lots of the Catholic church plebs view the rituals like rosaries and Hail Mary's as the source of forgiveness inofthemselves instead of a form of works to beg forgiveness from the Holy Spirit, and that the Catholic church has never actually bothered to correct them on it. Also, how do you square away the sheer corruption, both monetarily and morally, that's plagued it for at least 500 years, to the point its practically killed any good will from the non-faithful.
Protties, why do you think its okay to promote laymanship for the Bible, extrapolating the idea that a priest can't force their particular view of the Bible onto anyone, which causes would-be good believers into engaging in pure retardation like rejecting the beauty of complexity of God's creation for the sake of sola scriptura, or evangelical Zionism, especially the variety that thinks they can speedrun to the rapture

t. nondenominational

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I'm not a part of it, I turned to esotericism later in life.
You don't need a book or building to find God.

Don't be mad because you cannot welcome the esoteric riddle of God into your heart, user.

He called transubstantiation fake, so yeah he is a heretic

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Wrong orthodox user

*tips fedora*

Is there a like ayatollah simulator out there

>pointing out the glaring flaws in modern Christianity means you must be a leftie
Kill yourself

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>Protestantism is nothing but a bunch of unbiblical heresies
Their entire thing was basically to go back to relying on the words of the bible over the words of the Church.

>the pope is evil all along.
Well, the current one is.


Is God testing your faith by giving you an evil Pope?

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Is this a game where you play as the pope and shoot demons? Sounds dope

there's some redpilled black priest I hope will succeed the current kike.

Transubstantiation, that’s in the bible yet protestants don’t believe it, also predestination is bogus.

It only looks like a riddle because you think there is a riddle.

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Jesuits are the true path; go practice Orthodoxy, heathen cunt.