All this time off is leading me to look for ways to supplement my savings and I'm thinking of trying out streaming...

All this time off is leading me to look for ways to supplement my savings and I'm thinking of trying out streaming, do you think it's to late to break into the market?

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>too late
If YanDev can make internet dollary-doos then so can you my dood


his income is falling off hardcore and he's being mocked relentlessly more than ever these days to the point where he's suicide baiting and none of his fans are even buying it.

It’s unlikely you’ll make money unless you got a group of goons or are pic related but hey if you got the rig, time, and it makes you happy, then go for it user.

Wait OPs pic is a dude?

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For you? Yes.

Depends. How big are your tits and how willing are you to exploit the mental illness of depressed lonely men?

No. YanDev is someone completely different.

I'm a dude but I'm out of shape so maybe small A's, totally willing to exploit people though

If you don't already have an audience, you'll never make any money.

Get a real job. A miniscle amount of streamers actually make money.

Lurk moar, itoddler.

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Alright, so what you do is befriend female streamers and then do group streams with them to get some attention, then act like a best friend to everyone in your chat so they feel compelled to pay you money in return for your kind attention.

>Get a real job.
Had one, got laid off because of the virus

I've never been to twitch and I can't say I plan

I genuinely dont understand the appeal. It's like a let's play except theres an obnoxious cam view obscuring a third of the screen and they stop every minute to read a donation. Why would anyone like that

>I genuinely dont understand the appeal

Go for it. I've streamed American Truck Sim while I was drunk before. I got 20 or so people watching me play, which was weird, but we chatted about life and video games, had a good time.

Don't forget to file for unemployment. If you're in the US at least, they're increasing unemployment benefits by $600 per WEEK for the duration of the pandemic state of emergency.

that's never going to work
people who watch female streamers arent going to watch some dude
unless you're a trap

If it's a game you like and the person isn't totally obnoxious or a cam girl then it can be fun to watch. I don't regularly watch anything but if a new game comes out or somebody is really good at Smash or a game I play then I might watch to try to learn some tips. Or if people speedrun games that can be fun to watch (I don't understand people who watch the same person speedrun a game 12 hours a day though).

A friend of mine streamed for the first time last week amd she got like 300-ish views with no webcam I think that's pretty gud.

She was cuter with the sweater

Smaller streams are more comfy. It's just about finding a personality you enjoy watching, and staying with smaller communities limits the donation spam bullshit. It's no different than podcasts or talk TV, really.

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I started filing the moment I got a text from my boss telling me not to come in and that the restaurant was closing down due to virus shit

Trust me, there are a lot of streamer groups that feed off each others' viewership and use it to all become better known. It can be very helpful for smalltimers to develop what is essentially a tight community of streamers where they all know each other and the chats bleed into one another. You'll get tons of people who subscribe to everyone in the "community." It's really just exploiting basic psychology.

>TFW not born with a cunt for easy streaming money, and selling nudes on simp websites for maximum cash
Good lord 50% for easy mode and i failed to get it

Glad to hear it, I hope everything picks up for you soon, user. I know it's tough right now.

It's a friend simulator for zoomers. They don't care about the game, they just want to vibe with an audience and have someone say their username out loud.

Based but also go back to /g/

It's pretty difficult for a rando. The top streamers on the site are former professional gamers who already had a 'market' from their professional gaming career. So unless you are a former or current pro gamer, it's basically impossible to gain a following organically.

The second type of streamer with relatively high viewer I see are the ones who got clout from the GDQ speed run festivals, since those attract hundreds of thousands of viewers. If you can have a high speed run time and get accepted to that, have an endearing/funny personality, that's anotehr great way to break into the market.

As far as making money on it, Twitch streamers make 50% of the subscription cost, so 2.50 per sub, while twitch gets the other 2.50. You'd need around 1000 subs per month to have a livable wage off streaming alone, assuming you're single and just renting your house/room in an apartment. I see you're just trying to supplement wage though, and if that's the case any money you get from streaming will just be gravy.

So the best way to sum up this long winded discourse and answer your question is to say that depending on your age and skill level at whatever game you want to play, it is probably too late to 'break into' the streaming market. As in- you will probably be streaming to literally nobody for months at a time.

I used to think this was such a shitty career choice but after seeing some of those women post the amount of money they make selling a couple photos of their vag it's insane. 6 figures for posting a photo every week and having weirdos orbit you online? What the fuck. Even if you sell the photos for 10$ a month to people you start raking in the money.

that might work with male streamers, but not when the "lead" streamer is a female

Not to mention what strippers make. My friend is a bouncer at a big strip club in LV and those girls make thousnds of dollars a night, are driving Bently's, and the hottest chicks only work like 3 nights a week (Weekends)

This is true. A great example I can think of is the Mario Maker community, with Barb, GrandPooBear, Ryukar, etc. They also NEVER stream at the same time, and one streams right after the other, it's almost like they've planned their stream times around one another to just feed viewers into the next streamer (not to mention they usually host one another)

I like jerking off to big tits. The bigger the better. 2d, 3d, 4d, it doesn’t matter. I like when they bounce, I like when she bends forward and you can see em hang. I like when she sucks on her own, or gets them sucked on by another chick. Bonus points if they are full of milk. The best part though, is the slow tease and reveal of big titties coming out to play. Nothing better than a nice view of cleavage that gets bigger and bigger as she slowly pulls down on her shirt. Sometimes I dream about being a mountain climber, but instead of climbing a mountain, I’m scaling a huge pair of tits and I make camp at the nipple, because of course I can’t climb the whole thing in one day. Sometimes I dream about being Atlas and holding up the biggest breasts in the universe.

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this guy gets it

It's a little unsettling she's like 16-17 years old. Not because it's gross to be attracted to a 16 year old or anything, but just imagining how saggy those tits are going to be and how fat she is going to be once she hits her mid 20's.

It's not about leaders and followers. It's just about becoming part of a community. That community containing females just helps boost everyone's viewership when they all play it right.
This is exactly the example I was thinking of.

Femcel - the girl

Pretty based.

Attached: Bewbs.webm (640x800, 2.98M)

Remember to report videos like these since they are predatory to peoples desires and are not suitable to for game streaming.

Using sex and nudity to boost views should be instant ban.

Sorry you didin't win the genetic lottery (non of us did).

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well maybe if he'd made any progress at all on his game in the last decade it wouldn't be a problem

>befriend female streamers and then do group streams with them to get some attention
Simpin' ain't easy but its necessary

>This is exactly the example I was thinking of.

Mario Maker is actually a decent community to get into if you can make cool/interesting levels and attract the big streamers attention. That's kind of the game you have to play, you have to join their discords and talk to them and seem cool/interesting and then make neat levels and they'll let you into their circle eventually. And don't think I don't like Poo and Bard etc, they're cool, but it's not any secret to what they do to get viewers.

Another example is in League of Legends, theres a streamer called IKeepItTaco, and he's a shitty player and a boring/incel as fuck personality, but he (somehow) got in with another top league streamer named Scarra, got on his Twitch Rivals team, and now all of the sudden he gets like 2k viewers per stream,.

why would I want to watch a male play, cuz of funny jokes?

There's a video online of her fingering her asshole. It's pretty gross. Her tits are kind of gross too once the top comes off. Also a weird discolored vag. no thanks.