It's been 8 months since the last update

>It's been 8 months since the last update
S-scorn bros, I don't feel so good.

Attached: scorn-concept-art7-1.jpg (650x918, 86.73K)

dead af, move on

It's hard to say goodbye to yesterday, user.

This picture also fits the mood.

Attached: depressed scorn guy.jpg (2560x2144, 634.85K)

This one as well. Pretty much any concept art from the game fits the mood, honestly. It's like the real Scorn was the wait all along.

Attached: 16601674_1209962079073074_2505376502502851013_o.jpg (1250x475, 84.7K)

Another quality PC Exclusive where you pay upfront and there's no game, and IF it does come out, you're treated to a walking simulator like Agony.

Attached: scorn-concept-art6-1.jpg (650x1040, 79.05K)

Attached: Scorn birth 1.jpg (2048x1448, 412.13K)

The pain is real.

Attached: Scorn birth 2.jpg (1200x849, 440.58K)

Attached: YfO-2.jpg (1456x691, 237.78K)

Attached: qmHMUSM.png (1456x819, 1.19M)

Attached: Scorn bio machine.png (680x383, 426.64K)

That's about all the concept art I'm interested in posting right now. See you next month, most likely.

Attached: 12510371_916206375115314_794271782471102055_n.jpg (810x810, 63.25K)

Wait, one last thing to post.

There we go. Obligatory no update picture.

Attached: no update 1.24.11 PM.png (1016x1592, 925.05K)

Ever since they got the publishing deal with KN and were able to fund the whole game they did warn people they would go silent for a while as there was a ton of work ahead. They occasionally tweet saying that it's going well too.

>underhell chapter 2

Attached: 1556409759739.jpg (2000x2500, 807.12K)


Let go...

As a backer, I feel extremely let down that we have heard nothing in such a long time. At least I didn't put much money into it, but still. Game looks promising.

How long has it been since it was announced? 8 years? It hurts...

Let it go. Just be happy you got the alpha leak and call it a day.

Barkley 2, remember that?

It was announced in 2014, then work was able to really start in 2015 thanks to backing from Humblebundle, the teaser trailer was released in 2016 which put the game on the map, then 2017 was the gameplay trailer and Kickstarter, then 2018 was the intended release date and announcement of the delay. Now it's 2020.

Attached: 1578528723550.png (1040x1653, 97.46K)

It's hard to let it go. I've always wanted a game where the whole thing takes place in such a surreal Giger-esc environment. Now we're so close.... and so far.

>Now we're so close.... and so far.
No, just far. Not close.

The delay was announced August 2018. According to their kickstarter, the game was supposed to come out October 2018. That's pretty darn close.

Attached: fan creation of scorn guy 2.jpg (1080x1350, 107.16K)

>Revolutionizes sci fi aesthetics and inspires just about every alien enemy in gaming

Attached: smug gigers.jpg (1158x1096, 178.75K)

I'm a backer as well. Really sucks that there's no clause in Kickstarter or whatever that developers need to update X amount of times in a year or something.