What's the theme or genre of Hitman?

Not as in "action shooter" or stuff like that, but like, is it noir? is it gangster themed? or is it just super spy stuff?

I never played any Hitman game so I don't know if they have a connected story or is just quests to infiltrate and kill a target but I just finished Max Payne and they seem similar games.

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Just play free episodes and you will see, broski. It's sandbox killer missions.

Thematically the new ones are very spy thriller, glamorous and shiny, whereas the earlier entries would fit the gangster label as they're considerably grittier and dirty.

As far as gameplay itself is concerned I've seen people use puzzle sandbox.

Hitman 1-4 could be quite dark at places. It can feel like a Psychological thriller or something along these lines.
Hitman Absolution felt like a Grundhouse movie.
From 2016 it's more like a James Bond movie. Everything about high society and politics and all that stuff.
I recommend playing it. It's fun

how is the original hitman 2? I got a copy of it for gamecube but I'm a bit scared about how dated it will feel next to the new hitman which I have played

As far as genre goes it's basically its own thing - "Social Stealth." A stealth game that's based on hiding in plain sight. Obviously it would count as a shooter/action and maybe puzzle game as a minor element. I'm going off memory so correct me if I'm talking nonsense, but I remember each game having a fairly distinct feel.

Hitman: Codename 47 felt almost like a Zelda game to me, because of the low-poly MIDI soundtrack adventure you had through several distinct lands meeting strange people and then the tragic/"epic" (in the traditional sense of the word) feeling of returning to Ort-Meyer's lab and killing your father at the end.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin felt, not quite darker, but more serious and sober? A big story theme is redemption and morality and 47 striving to find his place in the world, so it makes sense it would feel less whimsical. I guess kind of a Western with a sombre/morally grey protagonist, but without the cowboys.

Hitman: Contracts was definitely the darkest of the game. Nearly all of it takes place as 47 is passed out from a fever dream in a hotel room and dreams his past missions. It sounds like a dumb idea on paper but it's the best entry in the series.

Blood Money I guess feels kind of like a Tom Clancy novel. Espionage, betrayal, intrigue, etc. This is basically 47 tours America. You've got Colorado snow, Mississippi swamps, Vegas casinos, the white house, an abandoned Baltimore amusement park, New Orleans during Mardi Gras, etc.

Absolution is basically one long mission gone disastrously wrong. It's a decent game on its own but as a Hitman game it takes the series in a radically different direction and had mixed reviews on Yas Forums. Again it's almost entirely set in the US and it kinda feels like a Western in that it's all about revenge and hunting down the big bad southern guy. The game's main theme "Black Bandana" is even a southern song.

Incredibly unforgiving and every mission is basically designed in a way that only properly supports one stealthy approach. And the design of some missions is so anti-stealth that they lower the criteria for perfect execution so you could get maximum rating even with sub-par execution.

Social stealth.

are the levels are interesting at least?

the ESLjeets polluting this board make me laugh every fucking day
>is hitman "n-noir", g-gangester theme???
nigger you wouldn't know what a theme is without ripping the definition out of a dictionary
stupid fucking subhuman, and the best part is how he's gonna memorize everything ITT then come back tomorrow and talk about something else being "noir"
what a fucking abortion you non-whites are, if we IP rangebanned you from the western internet - it'd be heaven on earth

pretty hard/bullshit at times
starting from Contracts you get more options and its more forgiving
i like what little story it has about if 47 is human /have a soul or not

Black Bandana: youtube.com/watch?v=jGj6s48RyQE

Absolution was my introduction to the series and I had a good time playing it, but diving into the series afterwards I realized what an unusual entry it was. I should add that it has the most characterization of any Hitman game; Whereas previous titles only really had 47 and Diana as recurring characters alongside maybe a couple antagonists (Ort-Meyer, Leeland-Cayne, etc.), Absolution basically tracks a cast of characters throughout the whole game.

As for the new games, I've heard it said that they've basically perfected the formula. I prefer the more contained levels/scenarios of the earlier games, but I've had a lot of fun just screwing around in Hitman 2016 and 2018. Its levels are certainly the biggest and most intricate of the series. It's a little more cartoony and even James Bond-ish but it's a solid Hitman experience.

Didn't mean to type up and essay but once I got started I just kept going.

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Hmm... I'd say that about 60% of them are interesting. The game suffers from having too many missions with tons of filler rather than a few good ones like the games that came after.

Half the levels is great, half the levels is shit.
Only with Contracts they got consistent.

Absolution was the highest budget Himan game, they hired voice actors out the ass, each level had a combat OST, OST in general was good, and it looked great

It's a puzzle game with a pretty coat of paint.

Silent Assassin is a great game with fucking amazing music, but I played it when it was new. It's extremely unforgiving and can definitely be hard to adjust to if you aren't used to it already. You can't even run while wearing disguises or you'll blow your cover.

Absolution should be remade in the new engine with gameplay made around the actual story as opposed to the retarded unreliable narration that made the game so shit. Seriously, why would you ever take a stealth game and turn its stealthy assassination story into this whacky rumor that includes explosions and wrestling fights? None of that actually happened. Don't answer that. They did it because an action game audience is bigger than a stealth game audience, and they were right. The sales show that.

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>how is the original hitman 2?
one of the best games. if you get spotted or whatever don't get mad and quit, going full operator (especially in japan) is boatlods of fun. play the game however you want.

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Wrong, at least for neu-hitman. Not every mission has 10,000 ways to stealth kill your target, but they're very open ended and allow for multiple ways to kill your target. Unforgiving...yea I guess. Once you figure out the basic mechanics, it's not too bad. I do enjoy the replayability, and most levels are big enough to support that, ie Marakesh and India. Fuck Colorado though. That mission is ass.

Level design for neu-hitman is good for the most part. Pretty believable. Isn't the first episode free? Download that shit and give it a try.

>As for the new games, I've heard it said that they've basically perfected the formula.
The biggest thing the new games get wrong is that basically nothing happens in the world outside of 47's direct involvement. Conversations don't start until he walks near, characters will idle forever unless 47 triggers their plotline, and many times there's absolutely no way to get AI to do anything at all.

For example in the Isle Of Sgail mission, there's the big ceremony that gives you a few options to kill a target while they put on a show. It won't start until the master of ceremonies gets his shit together, but he never does. You can't make him. You can wait a hundred years and he'll never budge. The ONLY way to start the ceremony is to take his outfit and do it yourself. This happens WAY too much in the new games.

at that point its just a new game
the only problem is that you need to play it to since it follows up on the Blood money cliff hanger

>As for the new games, I've heard it said that they've basically perfected the formula.
the new games are still way to scripty.

Sometimes, it's exploitation, other times it's action noir, but it's really identity is!

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>do missions on stealth assasin
>try doing them like the bad guy from No country for old man
>having fun from the change
>get no points or upgrades
I like to play, but they´re forcing a playstyle if you want stuff.

I think you're confusing Hitman 2: Silent Assassin with Hitman 2(018). The user was asking about H2:SA, not the newest entry.
Of course it's a new game. The gameplay content of Absolution is so detatched from the actual story that you have to read between the lines to figure out what the fuck actually happened.

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After years of honing my patience and stealthing techniques I'm finally gonna take another crack at Blood Money. Last time I played it was at the insistence of a friend and he had the PS2 version, now I'm on 360 via XboX BC
Any advice besides Rookie is for bitches?

Don't get de-motivated by the first mission. It's the worst mission in the entire franchise, and probably the worst training level for any game in history, as it in no way whatsoever reflects the level design of the game or how one should approach it.

Remember to retrieve your suite and custom weapons before you exit the level. The little ICA stash boxes that spawn with your large weapons like the M4 or Spas-12 in them count as retrieval points so any weapon placed in them will be extracted without penalty at the end of the level. You can even extract guard weapons this way to use them in other levels.

just remember this kino track

Ooof. My bad. Rant over then.

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Oh believe me, I'm all too familiar with CAROL ANN, on PS2 I got to the street level, the one with a gorrillion NPCs

I knew I loved Blood Money the moment I heard this, I don't go back to many games from the 360 era but I knew this would be an exception no matter how long it took to get back to.

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Another tip that is so useful that it can become cheesing if overused is that guards will see weapons lying on the ground and go pick them up to take them to a safe location. So if you need to lure them away from a particular place, guns (other than your ICA ones) are a good tool for that.

This honestly gave me one of the more important tips for Hitman; you WANT guards to notice your antics, as opposed to my usual ghosting techniques