1. Witcher 3
2. The Last of Us
3. Half Life 2
4. Half Life
5. Doom [1993]
6. Breath Of The Wild
7. Horizon Zero Dawn
8. New Vegas
9. Final Fantasy VII
10. Skyrim
11. Pokemon Series
12. Fortnite
13. Monster Hunter World
14. Super Mario Bros
15. Dark Souls
16. Kingdom Hearts [Series]
17. GoldenEye 007
18. Uncharted [Series]
19. Every other Soulsborne game
20. Counter Strike
21. Overwatch
22. Call of Duty [Series]
23. World of Warcraft
24. Assassin Creed [Series]
25. Grand Theft Auto V
Reddit’s most overrated games ever
>everything even remotely mainstream = automatically reddit/bad/gas chamber worthy
> FF7 that high
> That top 5
Holy fuck reddit is based
You are a hipster.
Thanks for keeping me up to date on what the contrarian children of reddit think. Remember, you can't demonstrate to people how super special and smart you are if you're just agreeing with everyone, everyone has to be wrong about something, and you have to be the one correcting them.
i'll play fun games instead
Popular videogames I hate:
1. Witcher 3
2. The Last of Us
3. Half Life 2
4. Half Life
5. Doom [1993]
6. Breath Of The Wild
7. Horizon Zero Dawn
8. New Vegas
9. Final Fantasy VII
10. Skyrim
11. Pokemon Series
12. Fortnite
13. Monster Hunter World
14. Super Mario Bros
15. Dark Souls
16. Kingdom Hearts [Series]
17. GoldenEye 007
18. Uncharted [Series]
19. Every other Soulsborne game
20. Counter Strike
21. Overwatch
22. Call of Duty [Series]
23. World of Warcraft
24. Assassin Creed [Series]
25. Grand Theft Auto V
There, I think you got your title wrong, OP.
Why the everliving fuck would you care what that shit hole thinks?
More importantly, how the fuck do you even know?
zoomer cringe. if any thing HL1 and HL2 are underrated for its dramatic impact on gaming these days.
Whoah posting in a Leliana thread
All these NPC’s seething itt
why do you care how other people rate a certain game
>All these NPC’s seething itt
I doubt any of those retard zoomers ever played it
>...he says, posting reddit's most overrated character
Online gaming communities are filled to overflowing with posers and children. People here will be twelve years old, but swear their first (and of course, favorite) Elder Scrolls was Daggerfall.
Ocarina of Time has to top any list of most overrated games
>popular bad
Based list ngl
4channelers don't @ me
>15. Dark Souls
So the list has no credibility? Okay.
Cry more Zoomer
Overrated is a completely useless term. "It's worse than what fanatics say" is always a given
>6. Breath Of The Wild
Xbots still seething, I see.
How are most of these overrated what the fuck does this even mean. These games have a higher opinion then what is deserved?
Half Life completely changed the way fps games were fuckin designed do these Redditors even know what overrated even means
>Half Life completely changed the way fps games were fuckin designed
for the worse
>14. Super Mario Bros
Witcher 3 was good and comfy. It deserved the praise give the circumstances. Skyrim was good (fuck you fags) for its time. Botw is good, as much as snoyniggers don't want it to be. Dark Souls is a masterpiece and the souls games are grade A (with bloodborne being another masterpiece). Gta v is and has always been good, it's only disgusting how they shifted all development to online. Everything else is shit, especially tlou
Have you played it lately? It's completely mediocre. Half the tech forums on the planet still have churches erected to proclaim that game as GoaT. The engine is cool, but as for the game? It had less of an impact than Goldeneye on the genre.
why do I care what reddit thinks is overrated