"So, did you play video games all weekend again?"

>"So, did you play video games all weekend again?"

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fuck the both of you, you smug condescending cunts

Yes, I like playing games with my son.


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no I fucked your mom

what else are we supposed to do while in quarantine

It’s bizarre how much people like Jim and Pam when they were arguably the most boring parts of the show.

Obviously nigga it's fucking quarantine season

When did you realize these two are actually the villains of the show?

I'm sure your wife's son enjoys playing video games with you too while Tyrone is giving her what you can't.

Excercise, meditate, and play videogames the rest of the day.

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women like shipping and romance, and they're the normals of the show. plus jim is cute.

I fucked your mom
In the ass

playing games lol
I just watched streamers

I did. It was more fun than whatever you guys did.

Better than spending the weekend trying to jam my dick in Roy's sloppy seconds Jim, you insufferable faggot.

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Nah man, it's ok if you have cuck fantasies but that's not my case.

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Why would I even want to talk to such garbage bag of human beings? You are morally nauseating and are both pretty despicable people, don't talk to me please. If you want to ask me anything work related I'll be in the kitchen talking about number radio stations with dwight.

I was surprised to find out how many zoomers liked The Office. Why? I thought only women liked this shit.

So is Pam supposed to be unlikable? Is she supposed to be a representation of real white women?

Cause it's a funny and well written show (Up to season 5)

Yeah that's right, in your case those are not fantasies at all.

men seem to like it just as much or more than women

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Probably because it was a great show

You cheeky motherfucker.

she looks jewish


I was busy saving the NHS by playing vidya at home.

Based Cyrus

Pam redeemed herself by eventually being nice to and caring about Dwight. Jim, however, is a total faggot.


do people actually do this?

I know next to nothing about the Office other than this oldfag pic.

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Yeah? Meditating has been a standard human practice for thousands of years. If you are unable to meditate you are literally not even human.

No, its just a meme that lasted thousands of years for some reason.

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Yeah the office UK is great. The US version is trash.