Why would a demon need a toilet?

Why would a demon need a toilet?

Attached: Belphegor2.jpg (340x441, 30.71K)

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They eat
They have anus

for shitting

Because they're in league with the toilet witches

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Even the hot succubus bitch you wanna fuck needs to shit, user

What's the story behind this shitpost?

In desert religions pooping is considered one of the times you are closest to Satan. They call the left hand the evil hand because it's supposed to be the wiping hand.

Indians believe toilets are haunted by witches so they shit in the street instead.

that just sounds like a fake meme Yas Forums made.


it's prob true, but only for the worst parts of India (aka UP, the shit state)

It's very true.

>"We've made public toilets but people still don't use them," said Anil Prajapati, chairman of the Gujarat Sanitation Development Organisation.
>"Some of these people fear that there are witches inside or that their children will be kidnapped.

Belphegor turns people away from God by teaching them inventions that will make them rich, causing them to rely on him for ideas and become lazy on top of the temptation of money. The toilet is allegedly one of his inventions.

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I thought this was going in the direction of "You do your best thinking on the toilet."

OKAY RELIGIOUSFAGS, explain how the fuck this man is supposed to be a bad guy. He makes them rich and lets them enjoy a life of leisure and luxury, so what if they can't devote as much time to god. Should they rather live in poverty and devote all free time to god?

Sloth and greed are sins, imbecile. A mere 60-70 years of luxury on earth cannot compare to the eternal bliss of heaven above. Those who are so easily fooled by material goods are unworthy of paradise. Repent, filth.

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Earth is finite, heaven/space is not.

What is more important atheisturd.

Based Lawfag

The beauty of Yas Forums discussion

They have penises, anuses, vaginas, semen, ovaries, and yes, their intestines also have shit in it.

So of course they need a toilet. What the fuck do you think demons are?

why is god such an asshole that he can't let people enjoy both their time on earth and their time in the afterlife?

Sounds like a bro.
There was also that demon that was a wheel with the head of a lion that also seemed cool.

Buer is his name

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Maybe you faggot humans shouldn't have eaten that apple

It's a requirement for my succubus

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this nigga got hemorrhoids from sitting on the toilet too long

It makes god mad since they become closer to science which raises the chances of them realizing God is bs. If you desire riches you can only be an evil idiot with no self control instead of someone that just doesn't want a garbage life + church taking part of the few resources you have.

ouchie! I cut my fingie wingies on ur edge

>semen, ovaries
But weren't demons unable to conceive life, as that was a holy gift? They're unable to directly increase their ranks.

You're retarded if you don't see the problem with a being that slowly conditions you to stop thinking.

>But weren't demons unable to conceive life
They can

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Doesn't god do the same thing? Don't make your own decisions about things, just follow the word of god.

I didn't do shit!


Why did they cut this character and the hilarious part where Adam has sex with every animal in the garden trying to find a mate?

>a being that slowly conditions you to stop thinking
So god then?

If heaven is so infinite, why hasn’t the US invaded it for resources yet? Checkmate, theists.

Because that would result in a rather cringe internet book series that while being a good idea in concept is dragged down the longer it goes on.

I'm not religious, but God doesn't condition you to do anything. He doesn't create toilets or invents things to ease your quality of life to the point you're a sack of drooling shit. This is about instant gratification personified being bad for human beings because of how nature simply is.

I'm not religious, so I wouldn't know. If I were, I'd say people who believe in God in order to avoid thinking or repercussions are sinning.