I want to get into the Megaman Battle network series. Do I need to start from the very beginning or can I skip over any?

I want to get into the Megaman Battle network series. Do I need to start from the very beginning or can I skip over any?

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I'd skip the first one and go straight into 2, they didn't get the formula right untill 2. Also skip 4 because it's shit

so play 2,3,5 and 6?

Play OSS. It's a BN1 DS port that fixes the map and encounter rate

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Five is below average, just stick to the good ones.
2, 3 and 6.

Don't listen to the other user. Play both BN4 and BN5 at least once. If you don't like what you're playing then feel free to skip

Yes, you go back to 1 after you get the feel for the games but 1 has a lot dumb things like the entire net looking exactly the same and no sub ships and the such. Also play Operate Shooting star, it's a kind of remaster for 1 and fixes alot of dumb stuff it had

I agree with that user Unless you really want to experience the whole story. Iirc the story branches slightly after 3, so you may want to look up a chart

1 is still a good game and is at least worth checking out. Give it a shot, but if it bores you just read a plot synopsis and jump to 2.

You should play 1 because it reveals a very important plot point between the protagonists that becomes crucial in the next games...

1 is easy and can be really annoying to navigate. Give it a try. If you drop it, it will be really hard to go back to after any other entry.
Most agree 4 is worst entry. It did some interesting things and moved series graphically, though. Requires 3 playthroughs to unlock everything and feels more like doing sidestories for almost whole games. Dark chips.
5 is mixed bag. It has some semi strategic game mode that appears now and then. Love or hate. Has story that isn't just background like in 4. Improves systems from 4.
2, 3 and 6 are best. Some prefer story and pacing in 2, while hating chip burning in 3. Some love how 3 closed trilogy and all content. Some are completely crazy for all shit you can pull off in 6 (and all postgame encounters in jp version).
There are DS versions of 1 and 5. 1 adds additional scenario with protagonist from DS seris- Rockman Shooting Star, who trivalizes game even further. 5 is cool as it has both versions and allows you to unlock special fusion without linking or cheat codes.

Did some one say DARK CHIPS?

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Play Operate Shooting Star, BN2, BN3 Blue, BN4 (either version), BN5 Colonel, and BN6 (either version).

If you don't have fun with 4 then skip it, but I wouldn't dismiss it outright.

play 3,6 and then play starforce 1 and 3
starforce 3 is the peak of the series

Also, play the DS version of 5. It's objectively superior.

starforce is shit compared to exe

Ignore these faggots and just play them all.

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>4 is worst entry. It did some interesting things and moved series graphically, though. Requires 3 playthroughs to unlock everything and feels more like doing sidestories for almost whole games

What's sad is that 4 could be fixed (except the story and characters, that is beyond salvation) with some minor patches. Make every soul, powerup and chips acquirable in ONE playthrough. Balance viruses and bosses so they never feel like bullet sponges. Fix some very damaging and obvious glitches and you're golden. Maybe delete a few filler scenarios along the way like the chef or the soccer one and you're golden. 6 has been patched and upgraded but no one bothered with 4.

Starforce 3 is the only actually good Starforce and it's worse than best BN.

BN4 should be Red Sun because you finally get to beat up on Roll.

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I've played through every BN game multiple times and am trying to find a game to scratch that Battle Network itch. Should I give Star Force a try? I've seen gameplay and it looks really different, don't know if I'll like it

>Fix some very damaging and obvious glitches and you're golden.
Completely forgot about glitches and it wasn't only emulation problem. Woodman scenario would slowdown or show black screen on gba sp.

>BN4 putting the others to shame with its awful localization and grammar mistakes even in the tutorial battle

4 is honestly kinda worth playing just for the translation. Kinda.

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Fighting Roll and the generic Navis was my favorite part of 4.

Give SF1 a try. Gameplay isn't as complex but it should suffice. Also it has god tier writing (at least compared to other Megaman games), Suffering thorugh SF2 will make you love SF3 even more

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>no one has made a patch fixing all of the bad dialogue in 4 after all of these years

It's kind of amazing, desu.

4 had so many good ideas, full syncro, double soul, mystery data on the battle field, it's crazy how the could fuck up a game with so many good ideas

Skip 1 and 4. If you really want to play 1 play OSS. 4 is irredeemable compared to the rest imo. Not a bad game but a terrible Battle Network game.
This if you want the true experience and when you get to the end of each game to actually mean something. I went through 1 and 4 as is and even though I'd never play them again if I had the choice I wouldn't have done it any other way.

I once found a Spanish translation patch, it's somehow better than the official English translation

My name is Geo and I hate every single one of you.

As far as i know, only BN1 and BN2 got a spanish patch, with BN3's currently being worked on

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>I went through 1 and 4 as is and even though I'd never play them again if I had the choice I wouldn't have done it any other way.
I replayed 1-3 around 4 times. Trying to 100% 1 without subchip lockenemy was royal pain in ass and made me start savestatescumming the moment I encountered boss.

I only played through each naturally to the end of the story. I have yet to get through 5 and 6. Gonna go back and 100% 2 and 3 for sure and will do 5 and 6 eventually if they're as good as 2 and 3. Not sure if I'll do 1, might just 100% OSS, and most definitely will not do 4 unless I'm being fuckin paid or something.


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Shut up, shut up, shut up! You dont understand!
Drills get away from me, I already have my hot idol girlfriend.