What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: cp.jpg (768x768, 109.53K)

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Absolutely nothing.


Take seriously the opinion from people who is not going to buy the game anyway

Isn't suppose to be a degenerate cesspool of godless degenerates in a future godless utopia?

This. Honestly the lower part is more realistic for a crazy dystopian future.

>Polish devs make cool concept trailer
>Americans get inducted into the company
>Poles get shit on and leave
>Americans rebrand the game internally and makes it overall very different

>A concept trailer from over half a decade ago has to represent exactly what the finish product ends up like years later

Devs with the original vision left and made RUINER. The "teaser trailer" is a teaser to something that's not happening.
Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot of red flags but even then a street like pic related with the 80s fonts on the right and such makes me think it might actually be all fine and CDPR are just shit at marketing. I sure hope so. I still want my old default latina V so I can dyke the Corpo mommy.

Attached: 1586729542560.png (2830x1592, 3.18M)

What's to say we won't have both?

this game is gonna flop so hard lol

They hired a lot of Bioware rejects in 2017.

>First trailer was a cold future with shades of blue everywhere
>Final result is fucking endless pink and yellow neons

>Doesn't like futas

What are you? Gay?

A concept trailer is your vision for the project. If the project looks nothing like the concept, you've failed everybody who witnessed said concept.

No it fuckin' isn't you desperate little cocksucker. Everybody can already tell this game is going to sell millions you fuckin' retard. And once it does I'm gonna fuck you up.

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>something that's not happening
What makes you say that? There's nothing so extraordinary in it that's been contradicted by anything else we've seen.


>What makes you say that
Nothing seen in the last 7 years looks even close to that teaser. Even what little night time we've seen in trailers feels completely different.

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-release-date.jpg (1920x1080, 455.89K)

I preordered before the drama because CDPR gets a "freebie" after how they handled witcher 3.
I am not alone. Whether the game sucks ass or not is irrelevant because it'll sell like a motherfucker on W3 goodwill alone.


Attached: _moot-i-wish-to-be-the-little-girl-971513.png (500x689, 204.92K)

It didn't turn into an unrealistic game only possible in wishful thinking everyone expected it to be.

It doesn't even matter that much, both pictures can take place in the same game


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All the western rejects got hired by cdpr

You can literally see in this image that all the images in that collage are present as different styles.
Cyberpunk2077 is not a world where everybody dresses and acts the same and every street looks the exact same.

Attached: styles.jpg (3456x1280, 1.98M)

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Did you see the trailer and just believe that every scene in the game was gonna be about cops arresting murder cyborgs in rainy neon streets at night time?
They have shown lots of footage that is acceptably cyberpunk, you are just pulling things like "it doesn't feel right" out of your ass so you can have something to whine about.

You know exactly what went wrong

Attached: 20190124_15482983615984.jpg (675x860, 117.14K)

>Did you see the trailer and just believe that every scene in the game
No, but I sure thought at the very least another scene out of all the footage they've shown in the last two years and a half would be even remotely similar, and that hasn't been the case.

Here let me get the rest of the thread out of teh way
>shazam sips
>it's gta
>dios mio la goblina
>political discussion barely related to the game
>photos of the women in the dev team
>schizo who is convinced they wont let you play as a straight male

Kyle Rowley -ex Remedy lead designer, now lead gameplay designer of CP2077
Shironne Peiris -ex Reflections GUI artist, now UI Artist in CD Projekt Red
Catalin Ion -ex Crytek senior animator, now senior animator for cp2077
Kris Cho -ex Bioware cinematic designer, now Senior Cinematic Artist at CD Projekt Red
Steve Kniebihly -ex Quantic dream cinematic director, now cinematic director at cd projekt red
David Brownsea -ex stainless games/ rockstar games enviro artist
Colin Walder -ex rockstar games audio programmer, now senior audio programmer at cdpr
Alex Soliven -ex supermassive games senior technical artist, now Senior Technical Artist at CD PROJEKT RED
Bruce Shtelmakher -ex carbine studios senior system engineer, now senior gameplay engineer at cdpr
Oliver Lockwood -ex codemasters programmer, now gameplay programmer at cdpr
Matthew Steinke -ex ubisoft, midway, mektek studios technical designer, now lead technical designer at cdpr
William McVicar- ex gameloft programmer, now tools and engine programmer at cdpr
Yasen Stoynev -ex ubisoft level designer, now quest designer at cdpr
Félix Tiévant -ex ubisoft sound designer, now sound designer at cdpr
Bill Daly - ex BioWare, Sony, Disney employee - Lead Character Artist
Simon V. Besombes - ex. Climax, Codemasters employee - 3d Artist
Patrick K. Mills - ex. Obsidian employee - Quest designer on Cyberpunk 2077
Lucie Schaar - ex. Climax employee - 3D Animator
Daniel Neve - ex. Crytek employee - Programmer
Ryan Pergent - ex. Ubisoft employee - Gameplay designer on Cyberpunk 2077
Damien Monnier - ex. Sony, Team17 employee - Gameplay Designer
Ovidiu Voica - ex. Ubisoft employee - Senior Character Artist

Copied from their own forum, you can search them on LinkedIn and other shit


>You can literally see
Where, Substance over Style? How is it similar at all?

Attached: not really similar styles at all.jpg (3128x1600, 1003.84K)

they seem determined to make the ugly more than anything, and it surely has nothing to do with the brave and creative minds behind it.
They think cyberpunk means current day LA but with more neon.
literally what about it looks dystopian now? It's literally GTA5 with LGBT mods.
The change in art direction isn't even the only bullshit here. Trantoids would want you to think that the art style is all that bothers people, but that's not true. This game was originally supposed to be an RPG but now it looks like we'll be getting Fallout 4: Synthwave Edition but with a map that will probably be smaller.
Can't wait to have fun shooting everything in sight (while only in first person) and having no access to a single building's interior.

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Poland has fully embraced the western culture.

So that's 22 people, in a team numbering what, hundreds? And not all of them are even Western. They've just worked at Western companies before.

You're a delusional idiot who wants to be mad.

>give me fact
>no no those dont count
I dont even know why i try with you faggots. One of them is a lead gameplay designer and you say it doesnt matter.

Can't wait for this game to come out and BTFO Yas Forums
You fucks will still be crying about it in 5 years time

Would you be so kind as to remind us?

Try 50

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>no no those dont count
Did I fucking say that bitch? The point of presenting evidence for your claims is so that it can be critically evaluated. It's not an "I win" button. And in this case it appears you're a histrionic moron who fixates on a handful of people among hundreds.


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>22 people, in a team numbering what, hundreds
Yeah but
Not like they're unimportant fucks at the bottom of the chain

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sure thing shill

Ruiner for the most part is the original aesthetic the team wanted to explore with CP2077 before the mass exodus of staff who got sick of corporate fuckery.


Attached: Ruiner.jpg (460x215, 105.78K)

what went right?
where do you take these ideas from, your butthole? anybody say they're releasing a game and suddenly in the fartbox above your neck you think is gonna be good based on fucking what?
tweets and screenshots? teasers?
you guys disgust me

Are you an idiot? Who do you think has a say in how the game plays out, a lead designer or hundred of code monkeys?

Are they right Yas Forums
> Reddit: These are the Most Overrated games ever
1. Witcher 3
2. The Last of Us
3. Half Life 2
4. Half Life
5. Doom [1993]
6. Breath Of The Wild
7. Horizon Zero Dawn
8. New Vegas
9. Final Fantasy VII
10. Skyrim
11. Pokemon Red & Blue
12. Fortnite
13. Monster Hunter World
14. Super Mario Bros
15. Dark Souls
16. Kingdom Hearts [Series]
17. GoldenEye 007
18. Uncharted [Series]
19. Bloodborne
20. Counter Strike