Hey Yas Forums looks like i got some mail today. What could it be?

Hey Yas Forums looks like i got some mail today. What could it be?

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that's shitty censoring. you can probably see the text with photoshop if someone wants to for some reason

Dragon dildoes.

some imported japanese vidya
Some bullshit like: glimmer neko sazuka VIIII: fight for purple dildo-kun

>photoshop magically adds information that isn't there
Sounds like you somehow got out of take this opportunity to see yourself back to that dumpster.

it makes information that is already there, clearer

those are switch games

I bet someone can do it. I can almost read it with my naked eyes

Video games I'd assume

Got my letter opener ready. Should i start with the package on the left or the right?

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you should zoom in and get a clearer picture of the packages, attention whore

Start with the left one, and do it faster. I don't have all day.

start with slicing your cock with that letter opener

In b4 op is a dumbass and forgot to prep his unboxing beforehand and the thread dies before he posts his haul

Alright. Starting with the one on the left

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Post hand

Hmm... Looks pretty thin for whatever they are. And there's two of them! Perhaps origami dragon dildos?

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Oh... Theyre just amiibo cards. Well that was disappointing. Oh well. Thanks for joining me. Enjoy the rest of your day

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If you keep the thread up, I have something coming in the mail later today.

S o y


But curious which ones you got.

open them

Really? Hmm i guess. But the main fun is already over.

Alright whatever. which one should i start with first?

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>So bored you post what you ordered off some shitty website
>There's two of these threads


Dubs say left, and to give me the code as well

hopefully someone who's sick handled it

Alright middle it is

>On Yas Forums

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my excitement is immeasurable

Alright. Choose a card. Any card. ACTUALLY. Choose any TWO cards. Dont wanna have to make a post for every card. Especially since theres still two more pack to go through

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show em all faggot

c e


kill yourself

>any normal person would have said AB
i like your style kid

OK. Which next two?

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