heres mine:
1) all zelda games are fucking shit
2) go play better games
3) op
4) is
5) gay
Such as?
1) Wind Waker
Just a solid game that still holds up today and that managed to create a sense of scale on the GameCube's shitty hardware
2) Twilight Princess
3) OoT
Solid adventure games
4) Minish Cap
Quintessential GBA RPG
5) LA and the Oracle games
Basically the same games. They're not that great but they're probably some of the best RPGs on the platform, considering the competition like fucking Gargoyle's Quest with half-translated text.
The rest are just unremarkable action-RPGs that are done better by other franchises.
Finna (ding-dong diddly)
>wind waker and tp on top
>no majoras
shit taste detected
not all of them are bad
zelda 2 is a masterpiece
>wind waker
Found the nostalgiafag
Majora was the black sheep then became a cult classic losing its black sheep status causing people to turn on it forcing it back to being hated again
Better list than OP's "I get all my opinions from r*ddit" list, but I do question the inclusion of MC but not MM (and I think minish cap is great... Just not top 5)
ALttP and TP are the only must play games in the series. All of the others are worse in some way.
Botw is better than ubisoft open world games.
Why do sonniggers hate on games they never played
If you're just going to choose TP over OoT, then why not choose ALBW over ALttP?
>black sheep
the only black sheep here is Adventure of Link.
People were only pretending MM was bad because "time mechanics" and "muh dark zelda"
MM has always been a good zelda game
Link to the Past
Majora's Mask (only the original)
Wind Waker
Minish Cap
Zelda II
If your favorite zelda is 3d it's safe to assume you're a faggot.
>heres mine:
>1) all zelda games are fucking shit
>2) go play better games
>3) op
>4) is
>5) gay
>outta' respect
t. retard
1) Majora's Mask
2) Minish Cap
3) Wind Waker
5) Twilight
BotW doesn't count but is still very good.
>better than AI generated garbage
What an achievement.
These are all like AEW, trash for trannies.
BOTW, Last of Us and Dark Souls are the 3 most overrated single player games of the last 20 years
ALttP and OOT are the only must play games in the series.
Majora's Mask
Spirit Tracks
Breath of the Wild
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
These are the games with the strongest characters and characterization. If you're playing Zelda for the FEELING, these are the ones you want.
I'd include the Oracle games as a sixth.