We've expanded Midgar

>we've expanded Midgar
>no new sectors to explore
>no upper plate exploration
>nothing but empty corridors

bravo squeenix

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You literally go to a new section of the upper plate in Chapter 4.

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literal lie

wow a street and empty lot for a fight how
so much exploration

So quick question, did FFXV have characters look at whoever is talking? Its a nice little detail that characters look behind them or look different directions when people talk. Especially when there side by side so the characters head moved back and forth

>Sector 4
>Sector 7
>More of Sector 8

Dumb retard.

It's not exploration.

The slums itself is fucking amazing. Now that's a great town.

>fucking amazing

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Hey guys! I enjoyed the game!

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>another FF7 thread

How long would the game be if they cut all the filler bullshit and only kept actually meaningful content?

oh shit i'm sorry

I spend the last 3 hours watching the gameplay of FF7 and FF7R next to one another. It's crazy how much better the pacing and the presentation in the original is.

It's official: Final Fantasy VII remake is not a remake


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Am at ch 10. Love the game!
>inb4 fuck off, shill
There are way more anti than pro FF7R threads on Yas Forums.

I just want either side to realize the other is plenty able to exist
It's like anytime you suggest this wasn't what a number of people wanted from the remake, you trigger the shills and they fly into conniptions.

I too wonder why anyone is disappointed with fucking changebad ghosts and act 1 Sephiroth

Sorry for what? Our daddies taught us not to be ashamed of our opinions, 'specially since they're so right and all

Most people loved the game at chapter 10, because it's legit good. However, chapter 18... well, you'll see why people are mad

Good thing I didn't see spoilers, but I heard the ending is... Weird.
But then, again, on one chapter (forgot which one) Cloud sees Aerith's death, aka materia falling down the "stairs", so I assume it's gonna be something like that. Could be wrong.

About as long as the Midgar section originally was.

I enjoyed the game too. It had some flaws and the moments vary greatly from meh to awesome.

But holy hell, user. The last bit after the highway chase is when I got fucking mad. If you mantain your compsure at that then I salute you. But everything after that felt like Nomura jizzing in your soup.

time jannies. jesus christ.

You are very, very, very, very wrong.

Everyone is mad but let's be honest, Midgar is far and above the best section of 7. The other games if they're ever made are gonna be a lot worse.

Oh user you are not ready.

Ok. Time for me to go, because someone will write spoilers here.

user, (You) are the time ghosts

This, but the apposite. The game is so much better when you leave Midgar and the game opens up.

Yep. This will probably be the best entry by far.

>The other games if they're ever made are gonna be a lot worse.

I fucking bet they will be.
Cause they more or less tuck close to the original script here. But now they blew the cover that they wanna spazm all out and inject their Kingdom Hearts writing into it, meaning that whatever comes next will just be the usual modern SE shit.

No, not really.


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What went wrong?
I'll show you what.

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