What vidya related things are you going to buy with your trumpbux Yas Forums?

What vidya related things are you going to buy with your trumpbux Yas Forums?

Attached: GOP-arcade-trump-video-game.jpg (1200x630, 113.69K)

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more like Pelosi-bux

I'm going to leave it in my bank account and save it for when I move to another state for college

Were we already supposed to get them? How would the government to send one to me?

Might finally buy a monitor.
I feel like prices on /everything/ are about to jump up from everyone having money to blow though so I might wait a while.


>supposed to be one of the first to get bux
>haven't gotten them yet
>multiple people I know have
a little mad

>Don't get trumpbux
>Unemployment denied

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Um no you dumb faggot in fact she tried blocking it the first time

Kys tranny

Buy a gun and kill my parents then myself


I filed my 2019 taxes two months ago, but I still didn't get my return. does this mean I don't get the stimulus check?

convince them you're an immigrant or black with atleast 6 children.

>Canadians already received money
>Americans are still waiting because the Republicans and Democrats keep loading entirely unrelated charges/tax cuts for billionaires into the bill, that would cost tax payers millions of dollars
>Trump didn't want ANY relief money to go out because it reinforces Bernie/Yang's idea of Universal Pay used to keep the economy afloat

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Billy Bob, not only are you retarded, but you probably won't receive a check either. You needed to have filed taxes in either 2019 or 2020.

>she tried blocking it the first time
because she wanted it to be bigger. Don't overdose on those redpills.

No he's correct except he's purposefully exagerating why democrats have stalled to make his post sound more centrist when the reality is it's mostly just republicans. The only people who even voted against it are republicans.

Im using my Fingolian unemployment benefits on food and rent.
The rest im saving for Cyberpunk.

lol libtard mad
uh huh
he mad
Sad little snoeflake


I filed but got denied because my parents still claim me as a dependent apparently

It's going to bills and rent because I don't live with my parents and my job is not considered essential. It will cover exactly half a single month's expenses in bills, rent, etc. And I live cheaply here.

It's too little, almost too late if I get it in the next couple weeks, and every other goddamn developed country seems to have done more of them faster and easier.

Republicans stalled too much on this one.

It was the libtards you retard

>u wrong u lie waaaaah
Yas Forums Everybody.

I avoided buying a new PC with my last tax return so I might finally use this as an excuse to build a new one. I'm not even expecting a check though, but if I do get one that'd be sweet.

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You're really depserate to believe that but outside of the Yas Forums bubble it's pretty obvious who has stalled it the most and who complained about it the most and that literally only republicans voted against doing it at all. And the republicans the most for it and acting the most bipartisan are very the least friendly with trump.

So bitch all you want no one is going to believe you.

Also they added stuff so the Trump family couldn't personally enrich themselves on the stimulus package.

>Yas Forums everybody
ok trannyy

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>did my taxes already for 2018&2019
Sooooo I just wait...?

If I'm a NEET living with my mom do I still get Coronabux? Am I a dependent on her taxes?

>she wanted it to be bigger

She and Schumer literally wanted it to be a loan, with interest.

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People who filed during that time are automatically enrolled if they qualify. The requirements for non-filers is that your income had to have been $12,200 or less for 2019.

Did she claim you?
If you work and pay rent then probably not, if not then she did and you get nothing. Fill out the thing at And you'll get an email in 24-48 hours saying yes or no

People on v really out here parroting MSNBC lies

>tax cuts cost tax payers millions
taking less of someones money isnt the same as giving someone money

you dumb commie

i did my taxes back in Feb, i checked my account today, there's a payment pending on 4/15.

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Nothing because the kike isn't giving me any

I did my shit back Jan and still didn't get it yet. The list must be long.

No you don't get anything unless you filed as a dependent on last years tax return. If you haven't worked or paid any taxes in then hell no.


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The small state meme is dead because of this shit. Not even US neoliberals are getting out unscathed and they are unmatched at putting their heads in the sand. One of the richest countries in the world collapses in on itself at the first sign of crisis because shock horror rampant isolationism and selfishness actually becomes self-destructive the moment collective action is needed.

The US is acting like a third world country where it just flounders around looking for scapegoats and aid while being completely unable to actually do anything themselves because they gutted their own government so much it can't actually do anything.

Your parents are getting 500$ for you.