Can blades have children?

Can blades have children?

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i hope so

Conjecture is fine, but the only way to be sure is repeated testing.

Only one way to find out.

I approve of this gentlemanĀ“s methods

hopefully not

no but you can have mine

Yes they used to get married too

>inb4 some faggot makes an overused joke about how the blades children would be called daggers.

someone post the webm

Why? Just go to any hentai site and find it in 2 seconds
I dont understand this thrill some of you get when porn is posted in blue boards


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No Ive been here for 14 years

Only one way to find out!

if you were here for 14 years you'd know of the infamous webm posted in every xbc2 thread

They can certainly FEED children...

formerly sneed adults?

No, we would have seen them in the game if they could. There would be a bunch of half-blade people running around, but there's not.

Not from anal, but won't stop me from trying

he wasn't asking for source newfriend, he's stating the matter of fact that blue boards mean nothing because of niggers like you

probably not

do male blades even have dicks

im not even a xbc2 fan. I wanna fuck Pyra tho. And I was referring to the "japanese humor" webm you cocksucking fag. Fuck ecchi threads btw.

they can fuck shotas

their children are the cores they produce after becoming titans, which are later converted into titans themselves by their 'parent'

No, that's why the whole Blade/Flesh Eater thing is... a thing in the first place. Now, about the Aegises, all bets are on. Besides, with her reality rewriting powers, no doubt Pneuma did the right thing so it can happen. I mean, the first thing she did with such powers is to make matching outfits with her lover. What a cute girl.

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>XC2oomers are so afraid of FF7R they're spamming porn now

I have money so I can play both sucks to be you

But I'm gonna play XC1DE, the real Switch Xeno game. I'm not a poorfag.

Yo janny, we got a coomer here.

>they're spamming porn now

They've actually been gone for like a week now, even they got bored.

How do I know which blade is the right blade for (me)?

how big is the penis

>Conveniently forgetting the daily Tifa and Aerith threads