How will they change her in the Resident Evil 4 remake?

how will they change her in the Resident Evil 4 remake?

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Since she's the President's daughter, they will make her black to avoid associations with Trump's daughter.

oh god

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Or they'll make her Trump's daughter and have her fuck black guys.

Then they will have to face accusations of racism.

They make Leon accept her request for some overtime, eternally BTFOing shippers.

No tits
Plain orange top with another white top below
Le necklace

I'm okay with that as long as she's hot as fuck like Sheva

Kill yourself

That's hot

>end of game on hydrocycle
>Ashley does a similar bit showing her profound thirst for the Kennedy
>"No way, kid"

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>short hair
>clothes cover more

>pop star outfit is definitely going to get cut
>ballistics are going to get downgraded
>she's going to curse a lot to make her appear strong
>also probably going to make her brown or black
>no looking up her skirt
>"leon help" is going to get changed to "don't touch me you male sexist pigs" and she's going to call you a pervert not when you look up her skirt but when you look at her at all

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you cant remake perfection.

>ballistics are going to get downgraded
they aren't even that big
they should nerf her ears not her boobs

As a funny quirky trivia, the US Gamecube release is only version of RE4 that has proper jiggle physics. How the times change.

It'll be revealed she is actually a strong independent woman who was actually caught on purpose because she is secretly part of the same agency that Leon works for and she was sent to investigate Las Plagas.

You mean skort. They found out you guys were getting off to the skirt-over-spats they were using as the default and had to desexualize it even more.


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Shorts under the skirt and a visible sports bra.

That or just make her armor alt the default.

If they remove pantyshots and give her spats or a black hole...I'm gonna fuckin lose it.

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but her ears were cute!

>RE4remake drops
>coom mods are out in full force
>theres a fuck ton of coom mods for ashley
It's gonna be a good day bros.

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kill yourself

Doesn't RE4 already have coom mods?

probably make her not hot

GOD YES im going to have my youtube tab open on so many Mr.X videos at once. sorry penis.... you never stood a chance...

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-Smaller tits
-Possibly black (Obama daughter)
-Won't be a damsel in distress, will never cry for help, will trash-talk the villains
-Possibly able to use weapons, either as a playable character or AI support
-No dumpster hiding (can't tell a stronk woman to go hide)
-You won't be able to give her instructions (again, stronk woman)
-Skort or jeans
-Baggier sweater or a heavy coat
-Swears and trash talks
-Will be more obviously attracted to Luis
-Won't offer overtime, will reject Leon's offer of overtime

Jesus, who made her so fat.

>hunnigan will be a lesbian sassy sheeboon
>when leon invites for dinner at the end, she sassily quips ok, she's gonna tell her wife that whitey is paying
>leon can't catch a break, ashley, hunnigan and luis are way cooler and competent than his bumbling self


It was just the first picture i had saved that came up not sure of the artist.

Leon is going to get the Donte treatment.

Why would the devs change Ashley to being an Obama-expy's daughter within the RE universe? RE4 takes place during March/April of 2004 not in 2009.

>where the fuck did everyone go, fucking bingo?
>your right fucking hand fucking comes off?
>fuck no, bro

People keep saying Ashley's ballistics are going to get downgraded but REmake 3 Jill had bouncing DD's.

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