What games do you play with friends?

What games do you play with friends?

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>see attractive anime girls
>already want to COOM
how do you live with that absurd amount of libido?

im cautiously optimistic about the fo76 wastelanders patch, will get back into it with my cousin once I hear that it's not a total gamebreaker like most Bethesda patches are initially


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lotr rotk for the pc


I don't play much more than smash or perfect dark with friends since we don't play vidya often, though I do occasionally play Kirby AirRide with my brothers.

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Haven't played a game with anyone in a long time. Literally no one wants to play minecraft with me

That's because Minecraft has lost it's appeal, atleast on Yas Forums.

I rarely play with my friends because I tend to not say much and feel like I'm boring them.

>oh no, not mild arousal! I’m scared! Men should never be aroused, the muslims were right!


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It's mediated by doing nothing but fapping and then either becoming fat or ultra skinny which reduces the libido.

Good luck living with lung death and cardio problems.

Played A Way Out in one setting with my friend locally, gameplay is mediocre, but the co-op and story are based. Ending is 10/10, don't spoil yourself

I'm indifferent 99% of the time but when I do see something good related to my fetish get posted, I turn into an absolute coomer.


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Reminder for everyone else: the word "coomer" just means straight male. And to "coom" is simply to be attracted to women. That's all they're saying when they use those terms. They're shaming you for being straight.

I don't have any friends.

So where is the follow up image?

>implying dehr coomer doesn't fap to shemales

They are definitely playing with their futa cocks under that table.

pls gib source on characters
I can recognize only Akagi


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Honestly just league of legends.
We don't even like that game. Its just the only thing we have to do with one another.

But recently they haven't been playing as much and I feel like we're drifting apart.

I'm literally going to kill myself.

Attached: 1555349325121.webm (640x802, 1.09M)

What are they doing under that table?

Warming their legs up by the heater and jerking each other off.

i really hope that artist doesn't actually do futa shit, that shit is disgusting

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>playing against akagi the cheating nigger
kys gachafag.

Well? Where is it?

It's not actually futa.