ITT: Gaming crossovers that would be amazing but will never happen

ITT: Gaming crossovers that would be amazing but will never happen

I'll start: RE and DMC

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gex and serious sam

My cock and your ass.

I have no idea how this hasn't happened yet. Just put tony redgrave in a resident evil game, give him ebony and ivory, give 'em infinite ammo, and you're good.

Bayonetta and Devil May Cry
No More Heroes and Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest
An actual Mario and Sonic crossover game
Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat
Zelda and any of Square Enix's major IPs
A Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and Sly crossover that doesn't suck.

blinx and mario

ape escape and gravity rush


Terraria and Minecraft

Marvel vs. Capcom 4

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It happened in Monster Hunter World bru

I fucking wish

Let's go even further: Everyone VS Everyone. Capcom could make a anniversary crossover game with every major company they've crossed over with:


Buffy the vampire slayer should be a gues character in Mortal Kombat

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Everything Warriors. Every single franchise that ever had a musou game collide into the most gigantic musou game ever.

>A Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and Sly crossover that doesn't suck.
Why did you remind me of this games existence

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What Would the plot be

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What like project x zone
Would you call that project x fighters

I actually want an Ace Attorney vs. Danganronpa game. The devs of DR even mentioned that they wanted to do it too.
Also the Fire emblem x SMT game we got kinda sucked, please give us another

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Doom and DMC but not a full game just a secret or post story boss fight just for the fun of it, nothing to actually affect the story like dante in SMT.

SMT and Devil May Cry

Senran Kagura and Nep
Pokemon and Monster Hunter

>Doom and DMC but not a full game just a secret or post story boss fight just for the fun of it, nothing to actually affect the story like dante in SMT.
In Doom or DMC

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Will he be the last Guest character

SMT and Pokemon would be pretty fun to see combined into one title

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What would happen if you fused jack frost and pikachu?

I dunno

Pokemon & Digimon: Digital League