What the fuck was the Harkonnen's problem?

What the fuck was the Harkonnen's problem?
Moved back to Yas Forums because of a retard mod

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He wanted the spice

Is the dune rts any good?

They're fairly quality. For the baron.

Attached: harkonnen buzzsaw.jpg (250x188, 9.29K)

Given fat AIDs by a psychic grandma.

Also, Harkonnen/BG alliance is the best alliance.

iirc, the baron is jealous of leto being a direct cousin of the emprah, plus there was a family feud between them.
also, yes, the spice.

He is an ultra gay degenerate who canonically rapes little boys.

Radiation high, but not for free.

Attached: toxx.jpg (176x192, 13.48K)

And this is our magnificent leader?
Remind me why "FOR TEH BARENS" is our warcry?

Attached: DJPECVdWAAAF6fm.jpg (1200x1080, 241.41K)

Because the soldiers are allowed to run roughshod over settlements and planets raping and killing whoever they want.

They deleted this thread on /vr/ I presume? Dune 2000 came out in 1998...

/vr/ jannytrannies are even bigger retards than Yas Forums jannytrannies, enjoy

>Moved back to Yas Forums
Moved from where, /lit/? I hope it was /lit/.

I am currently reading the second book. First one was so good, very unexpected plot twists and deaths

I stand by the firm opinion that only the first Dune novel is good, the other ones are just cashing in on success of the first one, don't even get me started on the sewage that is the shit written by Herbert's son.

Yeah I've heard some mixed opinions on them. I got a "trilogy" version which has the first three.

Paul becomes a giant space worm "God Emperor", that's how fucking shit the post-Dune 1 books are.

>I stand by the firm opinion that only the first Dune novel is good
Same, and even then I think the first book has fucked up pacing and a shitty abrupt ending.

I agree on both accounts, but the ending is the worse of the two problems. It's basically a deus ex machina straight out of ancient greek play.

Before I read your spoiler, is it about books 2 or 3?

>"the fuck is this? This isn't a snes game I played, there are no meme filters on it even?!"
t. /vr/ janny probably

Not the same user, but I think it's the fourth book and it's Paul's son, not Paul.

It's third book and yes, it's Leto II, I mixed them up since it's been a while.

Reminder to remove all trannies.

It's about books 2 and 3 yes, specifically end of 3, also I made one error since it's not Paul but his son.

They basically go linearly downhill 1-6.
For fuck's sake, 6 is UNIRONICALLY full of literal kvetching Jews complaining about how nuclear sex jihad is interfering with the Sabbath.

I thought 4 was OK.
5 and 6 are just boring. "Let's hide in a no-ship for 2 novels, that'll be fun"

oh wow I read it. LOL

emperor had really good vehicles, but also really strange ones.
fucking catapults?

Yes. Dune 2000 (Dune 2 remake) and Emperor: Battle for Dune are very playable and fun.


Never understood why Emperor: Battle for Dune fell into such obscurity. It isn't as well known as Dune 2000.

Early 3D, no digital release, no support like OpenRA to remind people of it or introduce zoomers to it, no widescreen (trying to force widescreen in .ini chops off top and bottom of the screen, UI included).

I think it being released at the same time as Warcraft 3 contributed to the game being ignored and forgotten.

dude i just want Metabaron game

Attached: instinct.jpg (304x525, 85.01K)

WC3 came out >exactly< one year later so that's not it. Emperor Battle for Dune simply never had much advertising, for starters. And it got eclipsed (rightfully so, since they objectively speaking are better games) by the superior Generals and WC3 afterwards.

IDK I bought that game as a kid. Loved the cutscenes as usual for Westwood. Problem was the gameplay wasn't very dynamic even tho every faction had their quirky units.

was this deleted off /vr/?