>game gets famous for its massive battles
>game becomes more spaghetti after every new DLC
>massive battle make the game unplayable
>devs "fix" it by removing massive battles, add micro hell in its place and call it an upgrade
Game gets famous for its massive battles
Other urls found in this thread:
Can you at least name the game?
>niche singleplayer game becomes popular
>playerbase gets flooded with normalfags and e-celebs
>devs start using Reddit for suggestions
>devs start balancing the game around multiplayer compfags
>game turns into an absolute mess
name one game that doesn't have separate ballancing for single and multiplayer
bot matches are not singleplayer
>Game is well known and loved for it's singleplayer
>The next game that comes out has a worthless multiplayer in it you will never even play
>game is insanely popular
>remains so for over a decade
>devs make an update rebalancing the game around compfaggotry and suggestions from Youtube e-celebs
>game dies in less than a year
naruto boruto shinobi strikers
>game is a complete disaster at launch
>devs continue to pump out updates and new content for it
>game actually becomes pretty nice over time