Search character name

>Search character name
>first result is "characters name death"

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I feel like this shit happens even if the character never dies, so you're not really getting spoiled in the end. But still, I've learned to look away when I'm googling a character, lol

>googling anything from a videogame before finishing it

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Why are you googling about character in the middle for the game?

>google character's name
>first result is doesn't die

God damn niggers
Answer them

>Search character name pics
>first result is futaporn

>finish a game
>go to talk about it
>get spoiled on the sequel
I suppose I have only myself to blame.


>in a thread discussing the new entry in a game series where every game is standalone
>game from a previous entry that I was currently playing gets spoiled because someone was comparing plot points from an earlier entry to the latest one
This is what I get for shitposting in the FF7R threads

>anticipated game just releases
>playing through it
>decide to go on youtube to listen to some completely unrelated music
>Recommended videos: [Game I'm playing] Final Boss : [name of the Final Boss]
>full detailed shot of the final boss as the thumbnail

>google character's name from a Tales game

Well except Leon and Zelos, those two made the list, more so Leon.

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>Search characters name
>First result is a meme

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>Game releases
>Youtube suggests videos uploaded on the same day that spoil the ending
It’s not even exclusive to games but shows and movies as well.

>boot up game to play blind
>get a fuckton of items with no explained purpose
>inventory fills up and can't loot anymore shit
>look up which ones to keep
>get spoiled
EPIC bro!!!!!!!!

>playing Vanquish
>hear this guy say WHISKY A GO GO BABY
>google because
>get spoiled about the twist some minutes before it was to happen

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>play video game
>there's a cute girl
>have to stop to fap
>get spoiled while fapping
god damnit, every single time.

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>search friendly npc
>first result is "Friendly NPC boss theme"

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>that time when biofags got spoiled about Elizabeth being Bookers daughter thanks to boorus and r34 sites including the "incest" tag.

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aeris dies

I will never ever play a game without a walkthrough.



>not Googling thing so you know you'll like thing
Fact: Spoilers don't exist if you like a thing and acting otherwise outside fictional media would see you treated as delusional and like you don't care, as you should be for fictional media.

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DAE fucking hate dogs? They are like lazy roommates. They eat all your food and never give anything back except SHIT.

i should stop googling shit before finishing a game

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>slowly get spoiled on something through cultural osmosis

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Don't worry user she doesn't turn on you, it was actually all your fault

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I can't cuddle my roommate.

Shut up Ahmed

Before The Force Awakens came out I watched the original SW trilogy with my then gf because she had never seen them before. She was fucking SHOCKED at the "I am your father" line in Empire. We're both in our 30s and she had no clue. I was legit jealous of her