How marisafags defend their autistic choice of character?

How marisafags defend their autistic choice of character?
Reimu is perfect

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I love blonde hair

Reimu is a murderer.

reimu fucks for 50 yen

is she doing ab crunches?

I prefer the Classic Reimu.

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why is she so shaky?

That's a juicy nip.
Would you kindly give source, OP?

I like cute genki girls, not smelly neets, OP.

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I'm a bit new to tuhu how retarded is my taste

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>reimu fucks for 50 yen
How is that a bad thing?

It's almost perfect.

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>Just fall out of the sky, you stupid umbrella youkai.
Why is Reimu such a bitch in UFO?

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Reimufags are the most likely to not play the games

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it's ok

Because mmd fucking sucks ass yet some people insist in making animations on it

your dad sucks ass

I'm not interested in womanlet anyway.
Hags are the only right choice

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You mean Cirno/Flandrefags

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Based, Marisa is best girl.

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Reminder that most of human 2hus are mid 20s and probably married to some faceless dude in human village

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>I'm a bit new to tuhu
I can tell.

Honestly... not bad.

dumb tewi poster

I imagine it's the amount of eosd.
A lot of my preferences came from playing soku, and aside from that it was based on looks or what I knew from playing the other games.
A part I'm honestly worried about ever getting an appreciation for is fanworks and non-vidya, since I imagine it's where most people got an appreciation for characters that don't appear too often.

can Cirno dab?

>jp mlp

Sauce please

How does one get into touhou? Like, from where do I even start?