Quick rundown on Valorant's anti-cheat?

Quick rundown on Valorant's anti-cheat?

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chinks bad.
that's all you need to know in this world.

it makes custard gas don't play it

It does anti-cheat things and retards are too stupid to understand how computers work.

tldr; if Riot wanted to install malware, it would be installed when you ran the Valorant installation. There's no need to pretend to be an anti-cheat in order to do it. Kernel access isn't required for hacking your personal computer since everything that you need to do to fuck with someone on their personal computer can be done from user space. Kernel access and privileged level is more important when it comes to more important targets.

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People have discovered a problem with the anti-cheat. Thanks to them, Riot is aware of the problem and will update it as soon as possible because the game is in Closed Beta.

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fucking based

it makes cheaters seethe

It doesnt

time to upgrade your code cheatie

It's just dotafags getting upset at Riot being good people. Ignore the autists whining about the anti-cheat.

Valve's marketing team are spamming threads in an attempt to slander Riot.

why'd you even cheat

Its a rootkit

It doesn't work, lol

i used to cheat on the early days of CS1.6, there was a time where after you got banned you could remake a steam account, buy a 1€ game and ding, you could play every single game online, and it was fucking fun making people seethe

> Making a Hacker Montage with afwul music
Thats a yikes bro

> Im not cheating
I heard this words before from a friend, two second before he got banned in csgo

>Redownloads game on a new account because it's free to play

it's hardware ID ban

>Manual ban
>the guy who got banned posted the video of him cheating
Bravo, riot.

>Scrambles Mac address

It doesn't prevent cheating. But I'm sure you can trust Riot, a subsidiary of Tencent, so they'll fix that soon :)

>gets banned again because the cheat is now detected
you'll never make it out of newbie MMR if you just create new accounts over and over to cheat

>Caring about MMR
Yes, clearly someone using aimbots and wallhacks is trying to go pro and not just piss people off.

hardware bans aren't mac based, they use serial numbers of basically everything you have attached.

there's ways around it, but it become a lot more complicated. more so than is worth to hack on a shitty f2p game.

>because the cheat is now detected
They literally banned that guy manually and only because he uploaded some videos to prove than their anti-cheat does jack. Well, that and to sell his undetectable cheat, lol

>uses raid 0
>buys $15 ssd
nothing personal

he will only piss off new players that haven't build a MMR
literally doesn't matter if you played more than 30 matches

>buying new harddrives just to hack in a game
>doing this every other day because he uses the same shitty hack

fuck that
post Viper instead

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>doesn't have green nailpolish
fucking ruined

imagine the smell...

Anons stop playing video games and come to me!

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No thanks American fatty, I'm only into superior Asian women.

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Tell me about Viper. Why does she wear the mask?


There are virtually no prominences on this face. No creases near the mouth region. This face is unnaturally smooth and featureless. The dyed hair color is disgusting as well.

Remove your layers of foundation, gookenstein.

Attached: Screenshot_7.png (761x829, 1.43M)

>why isn't she ugly like my american women! its fake!
cringe desu senpai

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>Quick rundown on Valorant's anti-cheat?

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Koreans look like shit without foundation, and like 99% of them have foundation.

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it makes blizzard games unplayable ? I didn't care about this game but i am now

it doesnt work


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>foundation makes her eyes bigger
Cope harder amerifat

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>I won't date hambeast mutts so I will settle with plastic insects instead
you've shown them, insectfucker.

When the fuck did I say ANYTHING about eyes?

looks good to me

all of these women are attractive, and your attempt to troll each other into thinking they're not is cringe and blue-pilled

>so good it also works and prevent cheating while you play other games
Awesome! This anti-cheat made by Tencent is really good.

It kills your CPU cycles and runs on kernel level.

>implying you've never imagined a centipede wrapping around your dick and stimulating it with not just its delicate touch, but also its toxin

It's a great way to make sure that their game will never, ever run on GNU/Linux, which makes their game bloatful, harmful, and therefore irrelevant.

Fucking top kek XD

lmao K-Poop faggot triggered

>all of these women are attractive
Get your priorities in order. You have no skills for discerning and selecting an adequate mate. You will fuck anyone because you're a mutt bother physically and mentally.

even when you put it like that and plastic sounds better still lol

where's the SFM porn

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>I don't want fat disgusting lards who scream and bitch about everything while making you rub creme on their psoriasis ridden back and immediately divorces you if you have a bad week
>guess I'll just have to settle for skinny, beautiful, and kind women who work their hardest to make a marriage stick
damn, i'm settling so hard. woe is me.
I'll let you "chads" take the "real" women. don't mind me, just settling for these insects.

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>Only one comment on how shit the music is
Anyone else only following this game as a case study on how artificial games build on top of esports are.

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