S-stop discussing FFVII Remake, where is mine bowsette and smash threads, this isn't nintendogaf I know

S-stop discussing FFVII Remake, where is mine bowsette and smash threads, this isn't nintendogaf I know

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>FFVII remake
>doesn't even have costa del sol in it

Not a nintenfag, but why are people even wasting their bandwith discussing literal scams?

false equivalence
when Nintendo shovelware and moviegames like Kirby and Xenoblade come out, people who post about it are rightfully told to kill themselves

>smash threads
Byleth killed the hype so fucking hard that not even ARMS could revive it.

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nintendo has not games and every game is mediocre as fuck

really now

>Xenoblade is somehow a moviegame
now this is just pure distilled snoy cope

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Nintendo killed gaf. Stop being a baby since you got banned there kek, it's been dead for 3 years

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