ITT: attractive men and women in video games

ITT: attractive men and women in video games

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god if there is anything more tiring than seeing a female hold men and women side by side as if they're genetically the same i would love to see it

I hate women and faggost


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False equivalence. Women have a history of being sexually exploited, men do not.

They actually do.

>I like you lets fuck
>Next Morning: HE RAPED ME!

Wrong. Next.

Who are you quoting?

They actually do you would know this if you knew the history of media. In games, movies, television shows men have had that treatment.

>boys club/locker room behavior
That's sexist.

Go back and stay back.

your mother user

American women.

Sluts that exploit men.

Everything about this website seems to be vile and I am very thankful it exists as a containment for these people.

Funnily NeoGAF seems to be kinda red-pilled nowadays.

So I'm talking to three people now? Stay out of my convo if I'm not quoting you.

95% of rape victims

I fucking wish. I frequented like 12 years ago, went back to check it out recently and I cannot describe what a fucking blight it has become

The idea that you can charge an entire gender (50% of the population) with a collective crime by a few is nonsense. Go back

Roasties btfo

Males get raped for just as long as females do, and it's arguably even more disturbing since the victims very often aren't even attractied to other males.

>Stay out of my convo if I'm not quoting you.

Gotta admit that's true. Even my German forums I browsed 15 years ago aren't the same anymore. It's hilarious when you still have that picture of what it was like in your head and compare them side by side though.

women are literally designed to be sexually exploited, and you cannot deny this

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It's not containing anyone, many posters work on video games and organize groups on twitter and discords

What do you mean by sexual exploitation?


In about 50 to 100 years, these cretins of society will be looked back at as we look back now at puritans or witch burners.

It also happened on this website desu. People are way more sensitive here than they used to be and the humor is way worse.

WRONG, they fucked twinks in ancient greece/rome, they fuck them in ancient china and japan, they still fucking them in many 3rd world countries like india and the middle east.

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I do hope this image is ironic

but the guy is fucking ugly

This MUST be your first attempt at 4chins, please say so.

>attractive men thread stays open 15 pages
>attractive women threa-SHUT IT DOWN
TrannyERA delivers.

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Cultural shifts are one thing but in the specific case of it was actually done from the top down. Judging by what I could gather from other sources they're very open about banning people for wrongthink, to the point that meaningful disagreement is now impossible and now people are getting moderator action for extremely minor missteps and misstatements

Women see anything as a competition for attention. Its the same reason they're more likely to abuse their children.
Anyone here is fucking lying if they said a male character made them uncomfortable for being hot.

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The only people who get offended by lighthearted discussion of attractive video game characters, male or female, are insecure people who are probably also ugly and fat. AKA, ResetEra’s user base. Nobody else minds seeing attractive fictional characters or talking about them.

I wish they had built-in condoms

>And now we should do the same for women

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Judging by the fact that those same threads get shut down almost immediately on Yas Forums too... well you're entirely correct insecurity is rampant