Is this game the most “Final Fantasy” of the Dragon Quest series?

Is this game the most “Final Fantasy” of the Dragon Quest series?

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What did he mean by this?

Wtf are you talking about, OP?

I think so. It is probably the most accessible game in the series and plot/character driven unlike most of the Dragon Quest games aside from V and XI, which are mainly focused on towns and use sociological developments to tell morals.

He had a stroke and meant to say is 'DQ8 the FF7 of the Dragon Quest franchise?' It probably is, if it's about the Western reception.

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It feels less tropey than XI to me. Not that tropes are a bad thing. The series does interesting things with them.

This is the most pointless post on Yas Forums right now

You're kidding right? The big-breasted mage, the joke warrior and the tortured womanizer are like the most cliched tropes in the entirety of the genre

Just answer me this, can you fuck the horse princess?

it takes dq8 and makes it linear

Post yfw DQ8 will never get the FF7R treatment because even the DQ team knows it's already perfect.

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It was perfected on the 3DS.

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part 3 is open

Not with those graphics and resolution.

When I get to a part where I need to grind to beat a boss I go play those camera missions or side missions so it feels less tedious.

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Why is Medea in a dungeon?

When does this game get good? I’m about halfway in at that island with the jester guy last time I remember. This game started out fun but got insanely boring after every town got less and less interesting and THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON WHO SPEAKS IS THE FAT GUY. NOBODY ELSE EVER GETS TO TALK OR BANTER OR SHOW ANY CHARACTER

>hating Yangus

Kill yourself

Same problem i had with every DQ from 2 to 6, so i decided to skip the rest and started DQXI this morning, looks better so far.
The only DQ i finished was 1 because you're alone, either make a good party or don't bother at all.

I liked him until he started taking every single speaking line endlessly. This fat faggot needs to shut the fuck up with his faggot British accent and let the girl and Angelo talk, they’re way more interesting but they turn into literal fucking mutes the second after they join. This game reeks of wasted potential.
I loved DQXI, it’s the only DQ I’ve ever enjoyed.


It's the least focused on short stories with a moral hook like you say, so OP is right

>being a graphics fag
Sonyggro as usual

>it’s the only DQ I’ve ever enjoyed
Good to know since it will might be the same for me
>they’re way more interesting but they turn into literal fucking mutes the second after they join
Same issues as the previous DQ games, don't even bother with them imho, also the same devs of 8 went on to make Ni No Kuni 1 and 2 with these same exact fucking problems.
Wasted potentials, all of them.

Yes but she’s not a horse anymore when you fuck her

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>Muh graphixx

Yeah XI entirely avoidable thag problem by keeping everyone involved and relevant. The settings and story are so much better too, and the combat has a lot more options as opposed to the handful of moves you get in VIII

>there's a version with good graphics and one with bad graphics
>picking the one with better graphics is bad because
enjoy your watered down, pointless extra feature bloated, non-random encounter ass non-game
not to mention censorship unless you hack the damn thing

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The low resolution adds charm to the ps2 graphics. And its portable!