I miss Tenchu

I miss Tenchu
shit was cash when i play it on PS1

Attached: unnamed.png (512x384, 211.67K)

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>shit was cash
kys nigger

kill yourself zoom zoom
back to play mgs

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I would love to see a return. I miss being a ninja.

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>"The "shit was SO cash" copypasta appeared on Yas Forums's Yas Forums sometime in mid-to-late 2007, as a picture of a typical Guido fuck with his girlfriend mocking nerdy basement-dwellers"

kys zoomer

Well this thread is off to a terrible fucking start.

>tfw no Tenchu Z on PC with 1/2/WOH/FS remake mods.

Life is suffering.


if one were to make a tenchu clone then what would be the primary things to keep in mind making it?
what are the most notable design principles?

sekiro is tenchu but with actual bosses instead of only mooks.

i have never read a more incorrect post in my entire life. Have you even played a tenchu game?

you never played tenchu you fucking retard

>tfw nailing a 180° jumping flip air assassination with no lock on

Pure fucking skillz, Assassins Creed zoomies need not apply

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Build the game around non linear stealth mechanics. Mid to large sized levels no clear direct path to the end. Keep the game based around assassinations, stealth kills, and fun gadgets.

Shinobido is better

I seem to remember there being some hype about how Sekiro was to incorporate elements from Tenchu. Turned out to be next to nothing.

they really need to remaster these titles from tenchu 1 to tenchu wraith of heaven and maybe include tenchu z as well

>if one were to make a tenchu clone then what would be the primary things to keep in mind making it?
>what are the most notable design principles?
That's a big fucking list user, but the absolute core...

Tight movement with lots of mobility options, you need to be able to perform very slow, very small and very considered movements as well as the extreme opposite with absolute precision.

Extremely clean environmental collision, you don't want to be getting caught/stuck on anything, you want to know you'll be able to grab a ledge, make a jump, or hide behind something effectively 100% of the time with no guess work.

Consistent, predictable and communicative AI. Things as simple as ensuring guards always hold a spear in their right hand makes it easy to tell what direction the guard is facing even from a distance, audio cues are another really important factor to communicate what "state" the AI is in at any given time.

Rock solid third person camera that you don't have to wrestle and doesn't have a mind of it's own, doesn't collide with the environment and just culls any solid objects between it and the player.

Replayability, differing guard layouts, objective locations, even the simplest of mod tools with regard to level layout/guard placement would go a long way to creating an infinite amount of content.

The problem with Tenchu is that so much of it relied on the hardware having poor draw distance. It's not a problem for the games themselves but remaking the series would require them to be a different game entirely.

Sekiro's stealth AI is more basic than the PS1 game in the OP.

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Talk about that, would fromsoft will remake tenchu, or would tenchu forever be in the shadow of Senkiro?

I like you.

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I like me too user, but fuck, we really need an indie Tenchu that just creates a really solid framework for people to build on.

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Who even owns the Tenchu rights these days, is it still FROM?

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So Hitman but you're a ninja?

Is this FF7 remake part 2 in wutai?

>playing the level editor for hours in Tenchu 2

Fun fact, there's a debug mode for Tenchu 1 that gives you a full level editor, you can even edit the story missions.

Did fromsoft actually develop any of these games?

How do you do it? Tenchu 1 is my favourite. 2 was nice too, but no music man, what a shame

A level creator/custom mission editor.

post the "facing away" kill where he deliberately breaks each of their limbs

Oh that's pretty neat, wish I knew back then.

>Did fromsoft actually develop any of these games?
Nah just published I think, although they might have developed the fuck awful Xbox 360 Arcade Puzzle Game, not sure.



Tenchu has always been a series renowned for having punishing bossfights at the end of each mission. Unlike Sekiro there isn't a convenient checkpoint 2 minutes back after they dumpster you, you have to do the entire mission over again.
Oh yeah, if you fall in a pit you fucking die.

The ninja mission in breath of the wild reminded me of tenchu

There's also Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen, which was one of two japanese versions of Tenchu 1 which included the level editor natively, well worth grabbing a copy of, cheap as fuck on Ebay.

There's also Tenchu: Shinobi Hyakusen which was just a fuck huge compilation of fan made missions + bonus material.

Attached: Best Tenchu Coming Through.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

I fucking loved tenchu! The first time I cut a man's arm off was amazing. I still love that splashing sound from all the blood pouring out.


Sekiro is miyazakifag trash.

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