Want to play it but I hate SJW shit in vidya games so I need to know: Has it been infected?[?spoiler]

Want to play it but I hate SJW shit in vidya games so I need to know: Has it been infected?[?spoiler]

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It's a triple A game, made by (french) Canadians, published by SE in 2016. What do you think? Of course its pozzed.

examples? except the hacker bitch with feminist hair

Yes, and is also shit but gets circlejerk because "muh medium sized hub open world" like if that changes shit AI, shit gunplay, unbalanced abilities and gutted story
Play original deus ex

who cares? just play it you fucking snowflake.

how about you control your autism instead?

The trailer is literally named "mechanical apartheid"

>I hate SJW shit in vidya
So you play no games at all?

It has some heavy handed symbolism with augs being disenfranchised black people but generally speaking it's just for world building. It feels like you're playing as super spy man in the modern world complete with SJWs roaming the streets.

It's a good game but it's only half finished so go into it with that in mind.

>muh SJWs
You sound like a fag, and shouldn't play it.

Hope you didn't play nu-DOOM user.
You are literally a sci-fi templar knight

crybaby faggot

I played it, I don't abandon games because the devs are triggered by the world arround them, I only abandon them when they are shit, and that's debateable sometimes because I play ofter very shitty games.

It beats you over the head with the racism allegory

Plenty of games that are not SJW. I am playing Arx Fatalis now and have yet to see any SJW element.
Deus Ex, Gothic, Stalker, Dark Messiah, , Mafia... All of them are good games without SJW shit.

>because I play ofter very shitty games.
Perhaps you should take inspiration from OP and ask before playing? Video games are always a complete fucking waste of time, but playing shit games is the worst kind of waste of time.

It's not even well done and that's the most retarded thing. Even acg mocked it iirc
"Oh no, after every single augmented went postal the world treat us with suspicion and after a terrorist attack carried by augmented people Police ask us for papers, wow that's LITERALLY the apartheid"
It would be taken as a mockery 10 years ago, shows how misused terms as "oppression" and "racist" are these days

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>Play original deus ex
Did recently and I need to wait some before replaying it. A year or two. I never replay video games in a short period of time.

While we are at it, noticed that every single franchise dropped in quality and/or outright flopped when it went woke ? Think of the sequels pf some of those games, like Mafia 3
The only consistently good studios being Techland and ID software... well it really makes you think

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stop being a faggot

No, not at all. Both recent Deus Ex games are worth playing and don't have anything particularly SJW in them. It's pretty obvious when you see it in a game, and you won't see anything here.

I say just buy it, and take the hacker/stealth route. Trust me.

It's a very weak part of the game and doesn't go down the SJW route. It's not preachy, and the guy who wrote it didn't intent on it being anything like it. So i'd say no to SJW bullshit here. It's kinda dumb but it is what it is. Nothing special.

Getting woke sometimes it's an excuse to hide a shitty game/story or poor working conditions it seems. Mafia 3 for example is an absolute disgrace even if you ignore the story.

you are fucking stupid if you played any of techlands current games and think they have a consistently "good" quality about them
and what the fuck do you even mean by ID software? the current team has nothing in common with the old one, and every single game they've made has been shit. Prey reboot, Doom 2016 reboot, Wolfenstein reboot, Rage 2, etc

>are fucking stupid if you played any of techlands current games and think they have a consistently "good" quality about them
>and what the fuck do you even mean by ID software? the current team has nothing in common with the old one, and every single game they've made has been shit. Prey reboot, Doom 2016 reboot, Wolfenstein reboot, Rage 2, etc
>Wolfenstein reboot
>Rage 2
This is probably the most stupid post I have ever read on Yas Forums, and that's a fucking high bad
Holy fucking shit

0/10 bait
>Inb4 I was just pretending

How fucking retarded are you ?

It has both leftist and rightist shit. Ofcourse this pisses both sides off because they only want to see their view added.

>Want to play it
Why? HR already made it pretty clear these people can't write for fucking shit

>Doom 2016 reboot
So not only you are a stupid faggot that has no clue of who developed what game, but you are even a contrarian faggot on whatever you get wrong
Good job faggot

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>Both recent Deus Ex games are worth playing and don't have anything particularly SJW in them
Human Revolution is just mediocre for turning all the political philosophy exploration into window dressing. Mankind Divided is mildly pozzed by making the whole thing an allegory for refugees. Given that pattern, if there was a third nuDE game it would be about as pozzed as an average Ubishit game.