Was that even necessary?

Was that even necessary?

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how was this game even played? all ive seen are videos of people running around on empty streets yelling into their mics.

you’ve pretty much got it

roleplaying lmao

you need to be very intelligent to understand roleplay
fuck off back to cod

the way it's meant to be played

Griefing and negotiating with retard admins to stay on to grief some more.

>get teleported to jail
>proceed to spend 15 minutes negotiating my way out
>only to immediately piss someone off and get brought back again, then kicked
it was still fun


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Exactly. I remember just rdming an entire server and one fag complained. Admin takes me over and I spend the next 8-11 minutes spewing bullshit and somehow throw the subject onto that fag. He gets banned. I rdm like 40 more times. Get banned for 4 days. Come back rinse and repeat. Most admins look into the kill feed for proof. Get some retard to kill you once first without you hurting him. Twice preferably then just go to town on him.

Or just pretend you don't have a mic and just type a letter and leave it. Had an admin waiting 30 minutes and he left me up there and forgot about me.

A degree in Griefing.

Whats your motive?... You post a Gmod related thread every day.

maybe he wants to make darkrp great again

Inot even sure if I want to play gmod again desu user, but define 'classic'

Griefing is sadly an almost dead art, it's fucking hard to make new griefing videos, considering the abundance of snowflakes, and how easy is to report people...
luclky we have a legacy left, nd remembering is the only good thing.
not op though

>deleted post
my guess you asumed it could be a mistake posting your server here

>DarkRP? No thanks. Want to come to my narcotics hideout on PERP? I'll give you a ride over in my lambo.

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>not playing DarkERP

Oh sorry, should I make a twitter screenshot thread instead?

No by all means keep doing it. I love these threads.

you could have made a gmod twitter screenshot thread instead

Yeah the stupid owner got like posters remorse or something. Here is the trailer video for the server


It's classic RP nothing more. You guys seemed interested thats all. Also there is no rules.

speaking of the art of greifing can someone post the some of the videos of the guy who made a gmod troll amusement park that fucked with people? I remember it having a Mr. Bones haunted house that trapped people in, a ferris wheel that crushed people as they approached, a furry forest and some really long drawn out troll maze

It's on the playlist i posted.




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does anyone have the playlist?

ah yes it was
Top quality high effort trolling



Absolute kino video related, too bad he bullied 4channers so they snub his great creations :)

No ,but this was

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