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Why do "gamers" today hate a challenge?
Nolan James
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Ethan Martinez
marauder is a gimmick, archville is a better example of a challenging enemy
Hunter Cruz
I had trouble until I had to earn the kill him in 30 seconds challenge. Now he is trivial.
Nolan Jackson
Hunter Smith
>he's not challenging he's just annoying and not fun to fight
Grayson Bailey
I have a very fine line with games, so much so that i barely play anymore, if it's too easy I'm bored shitless, but if i fail and have to do the same shit over and over until i win i get fucked off too
Juan Flores
Because most gamers suck today. Anything that can't be overpowered and beaten by mashing the same button over and over is "broken and bad design".
Case and point, 'journalists' were crying about KHIII ReMind bosses being "too hard" and a powerlevel grind that you had to be a high level to beat. (You can literally beat them at level 1.)
Charles Ramirez
hes not that hard just annoying with his frame perfect sheild
Carter Morgan
Not much of a challenge since I just instakill them with my sword
The only challenging part was when you first encounter Archie and there's no tutorial telling you that he's buffing and summoning demons
I died 2 times trying to find a nonexistent totem
Jayden Wood
Because I don't come home from work exhausted and aching to be "challenged" fuck off
Christian Thompson
such is life for a wagie
Evan White
he's not that hard, but he's also not fun at all.
Xavier Robinson
"challenge" hahahaha fuck off
Owen Allen
In my experience it was more that his AI was not reliable. In some arenas the "right distance" is wonky to find because he'll constantly get stuck, run directly next to you or many times used the ranged axe slash at melee range for no reason.
His first fight and open arenas are fine, but in corridors, tight turns or irregular terrain he's just annoying to fight as you either abuse the stunlock, spam granades or keep circling till he eventually decides to use the melee attack
Asher Garcia
Games are harder now.
Julian Nelson
Please be joking. Dear God please be joking
Parker Smith
Can't help but wonder what you do for work that you can't come home and put your brain to work on some quality vidya.
Brandon White
Nobody likes a poorly designed challenge.
Parker Moore
But life is literally much more fun if you have constant challenges, be it work or video games.
Let me guess, you are "depressed" and "anxious", right?
Oliver King
Because they use games as escapism for their mediocre lives so when face with a real challenge when the are supposed to just be fulfilling a power fantasy they screech?
Charles Clark
>no you have to work for your entertainment! You can't just have fun nooooooo
See how dumb you sound? That's you. You sound dumb. Get a job
Leo Peterson
Then why do people keep buying Dark Souls games?
Joseph Price
I'm a wagie and I like a challenge. That guy's just a pussy.
Henry Hughes
Doom Eternal wasn't hard, just stressfull
Thomas Murphy
We've been trained to suck at games. Almost everything is easy.
Austin Allen
>I sit in a cubicle all day. Oh man I'm just slaving away over here on these papers
Pathetic. Get a REAL job
Jordan Brooks
Bad challenges only. And most devs can't do challenges right.
Tyler Scott
Landon Smith
There are plenty of games for quitters out there.
Alexander Cook
marauders where piss easy, i think slayer hunter or what ever floating big ass hole it was way harder enemy.
Grayson Adams
I work all day and barely have time to waste to "git gud" at this shit, i just wanna have fun.
Thomas Price
poorly designed enemy that is annoying on first encounter. after you realise you can hit him 3 times with each stagger it becomes a joke
Aaron Price
>super shotty
Repeat 3x at most at the hardest difficulty
This fucker isn't even hard, the shield guy is a bitch though
Eli Ward
Name 10
Brayden Davis
I think people need to take more breaks and stretch their bodies out when playing this game. I got my ass handed to me several times when I first fought the Marauder. Took a break, like 2 days, came back and killed him in two minutes.
William Ortiz
You don't even need to do that. Stun him with a super shotgun blast, dash behind, and fire a couple of lock-on volleys from the rocket launcher.
Henry Morales
I don't have an office job.
Oliver Foster
>The game gives you tutorials even on bosses
>Not on the Archvile
They can't keep getting away with this.
Asher Jenkins
Same thing as always. You can also look at MMOs like Monster Hunter Frontier and find that shit that would normally take hours of effort to achieve (GSR300 for unlocking Extreme Style) was shortened to literally unlocking right when G-rank started.
Because JP players bitched. And moaned. And bitched and moaned. And COG listened. To the point where the only viable weapons was fucking Raviente and people would SPAM that shit.
Luke Turner
Because gamers just want to finish a game to then talk about it rather than play it for the "challenge"
Everyone is a fucking critic today.
Joshua Reyes
webm related
Juan Brooks
>so lazy he can't even look for himself
I'm not about to go do busy work for you, faggot.
Matthew Green
Unless your job involves lifting heavy shit constantly, I don't wanna hear it